Happy Hour Report
Saturday, September 8, 2012
How does one take a down and dirty, most awesome cocktail like a Mexican Martini and make it girly? Add a watermelon infusion! It's delicious and what most of us were drinking at happy hour yesterday.
The topic of the evening was spotted dick. What? you ask?
Yay! It's microwaveable! |
When asked to describe the product for the people who hadn't seen it, I made my hands into a circle shape while describing the can, thus creating the international sign for spotted dick:
...which also resembles the Oregon "O."
Incidentally, spotted dick can be served in a bowl with cream.
I don't make this stuff up, people.
There were endless puns, including this exchange when one of the girls announced that she was going to have a spotted dick recipe contest next weekend at her house, in honor of this imported dessert.
D: Oh I can't have everyone over two weeks from now, it'll have to be next Friday.
R: Yay! It's coming sooner!
L: You can't start looking up recipes yet.
R: I just want to get a head start.
It's difficult to remember all of them through my Mexican Martini Infused with Watermelon haze, but it was hilarious.
Off to College Station for the big game today! There were about 40,000 at last night's first midnight yell of the season. WOW. Gig 'em Ags!!!! BTHO Florida!!
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