
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Aggies beat SC State 70-14! I see a pattern emerging for the season. I like the "slow to start" Ags much better than the "second half shutdown" Ags. Looks that all that conditioning is paying off! If it takes a failed drive or two right out of the gate to get the jitters out and play well the rest of the game, that's totally cool with me. I think they'll grow out of that, anyway.

Freshman Manziel is doing a fantastic job at improving his patience to find a receiver instead of just running when his first choice isn't available. He's also perfecting the dramatic and fun-to-watch scramble-run-pass play.  He and Evans are shaping up to be the new Tannehill/Swope. Whoop!

Dustin Harris was amazing, becoming the top punt returner in the nation with his 96-yard return for a TD. He also set A&M and SEC records for single-game return yardage!

Sunday Stealing: The Sparkling Beach Meme, Part 1

1. Ever given or received an engagement ring?
I received one in 1989. :)

2. Longest relationship?
24 years

3. Last gift you received?
A&M earrings, necklace and purse for game days from Kathy. Now that I've got all the sparkly accessories, I'm an "official" season ticket holder.

4. Ever dropped a mobile phone?

5. When's the last time you worked out?

6. Thing(s) you spend a lot of money on?
dining out, mostly for social/entertainment purposes though, rather than the meal itself

7. Last food you ate?
a bowl of Raisin Nut Bran

8. First thing you notice about the opposite sex?

9. One favorite song?
"For the Nights I Can't Remember" by Hedley

10. Where do you live?
Austin, Texas!

11. High school attended:
Clear Creek High School in Houston

12. Cell phone provider:

13. Favorite shop:
Pottery Barn

14. Longest job:
3 years at a CRO

15. Do you own a smart phone? Why?
Yes, originally because I couldn't stand texting with the phone keypad anymore. Now I use it for playing games, using the camera when I don't have my real camera with me, doing the Facebook thing, emailing when I'm out, googling things on the fly, maintaining my contacts via Google Contacts and tons more.

16. Do you prank call people?
Not recently, no.

17. Last wedding you attended?
Joshua and Brittany in June

18. First friend you'd call if you won the lottery:

19. Last time you saw your best friend(s):
I saw Laura two Fridays ago at the spotted dick happy hour. I visited Cathy in Galveston for a few days, two weeks ago.

20. Favorite fast food Restaurant:


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