Thursday, September 20, 2012
With Jeff taking Fridays off for three weeks in a row, Thursday feels like Friday. Three-day weekends, baby!
As proof that we are all self-centered creatures, I had one of those experiences with someone thinking I was talking to them on Facebook, when I wasn't. My friend posted a photo with a bunch of adults sitting in chairs or standing. One man was sitting on the floor, which was just weird. She posed the question, "Did they run out of chairs?"
First reply: Obama has that chair.
Second reply: Clint Eastwood stole it.
Me: Ha! Awkward.
I was referring to the photo and the guy looking silly sitting on the floor, but Commenter One thought I was talking about the political banter in the comments.
First Commenter again: Just teasing, ladies!...
People are funny. I'll be the next to assume such a thing though. Just watch.
Oh, remember when I wrote about Kimberly and her "the frost is on the pumpkin" status? Jeff had no idea what that meant. I told him, "You're welcome."
We were reading last night about the new penalty people have to pay if they don't have health insurance. A couple of things perplex me about the whole thing.
First off, it sounds like a Republican notion that someone without the means to purchase healthcare insurance should pay a $700 penalty. Doesn't it? But it's actually a Democrat thing. That's pretty harsh from the bleeding hearts. The tax is opposed by Republicans because it's an invasion of the government into the private lives of individuals. Yet, isn't that what anti-abortion laws are? My head spins with these conundrums.
(I am also the one to whom ScottK had to carefully explain, over margaritas, why Democrats don't want anyone to have to show an ID on voting day. Ten minutes into the conversation, I was saying official IDs should be provided free of charge to every American at birth. That's when he called me a socialist. LOL.)
Anyway, my other question is this: How does the government know someone doesn't have health insurance??? Do people check a box on their tax return to say "yes I owe you $700 or 2.5 percent of my income, whichever is greater, because I don't have health insurance?" Also, didn't we just get done discussing how almost half the country doesn't even pay income taxes- most of them people who would be affected by this penalty?
I support the penalty wholeheartedly, by the way. Mountains have been moved and pigs have flown to get Obamacare passed. There are health insurance options for most everyone (not sure who the exceptions are, but I'm guessing there are a few), and one of the things that will help us to emerge from the healthcare crisis is to have everyone covered.
I'm talking politics again. Back to celebrity gossip and song lyrics tomorrow!
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