Crisis Averted
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
In one day, I went from impending bathroom remodel disaster to all OK. Whew!
While I was gone Friday, the electricians installed the lighting wiring way too low over the countertops, and it sounded like they had to do it that way because of whatever was going on behind the walls. That left no room for my mirrors. The GC also said that the tile company probably didn't have the shower tile available that I had taken two weeks and several trips around town to select. AND... my lights appeared to be on backorder from the online store where I ordered them.
O.M.G. I was freaking out. No really. Most of the bathroom is lighting, mirrors and tile. That is basically my design up in smoke, with very little time to make alternate selections.
But, the electricians came back yesterday morning and moved the lighting to exactly where I wanted it (and at no charge). The GC called about 5:45pm to tell me that my tile IS available. And sometime in the evening, I got an email that my lights will arrive on Thursday. Hot dang! We're ready to go again.
Today begins the wallpaper removal process and sheet rock repairs.
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