I Don't Know How to Tell You This...

Sunday, August 2, 2009

...but there's a Chinese family in our bathroom.

From one of my favorite scenes from 500 Days of Summer. (See it here- so cute!) Summer and Tom go to IKEA on a date, which I love. I could spend hours in there dorking around on a date. It's free, and if you want to grab a bite, it's dirt cheap and good. How perfect.

Good thing we bought a house with two kitchens.

I wish I had bought a house with two kitchens-- Yesterday our dishwasher died. Yes, it is the second in what is almost certain to be at least a three-part series of large money outlays for things around the house that break. The first was both our vehicles needing tires at once. Oy.

Anywayzz... As the dishwasher is 7 years old, and some of the interior pieces are broken, we decided to get a new one. We bought one last night, and then Jeff decided to check the switch in the wall. After his high-tech initial testing with his fancy electro-whatchamajiggers, he thought it was actually the switch and not the dishwasher at all. ACK.

Then after some other tests, it turned out it is the dishwasher. I suppose replacing a 50-cent switch would have been better, but I really like the baking pan turbo jets in the new dishwasher that arrives next week, so I was going to be very sad to let it go. lol. Even more sad that we had dragged our Consumer Reports from store to store all afternoon looking at boring dishwashers.

Then he started explaining to me what was weird about the switch. Guess he had forgotten that part of the reason we are here together in this house, talking about a dishwasher switch, is that he had to coach me through sophomore Electrical Engineering, where I got a D, despite his heroic efforts.

I asked, "Do you see my eyes glazing over?" It was like an electrical engineering flashback. So he got out paper and drew some pictures that I actually understood. Your basic 8th grade circuit theory, but still. I got it. Electricity goes to ground, but only when the switch is on. Ohhhhhhhhhh!


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