Followup Tests Suck
Monday, May 21, 2012
This morning is my followup mammogram and ultrasound after the questionable result six months ago, that they decided was nothing. "Nothing," but come back in six months and we'll make sure. It's been many years since I was this freaked out about a test. I've been through this several times, and I'm sure there will be plenty more, so I just try to go into a robotic, numb sort of mode, and get through it without pondering all the possibilities. (It works only marginally, but it's the best option I've come up with.)
In that vein... let's meme!
Sunday Stealing: The Imaginary Meme, Part One
1. Have you ever peed your pants as an adult?
2. Who do you have a celebrity crush on now?
I'm still crushing a bit on Bradley Cooper.
3. Would you date someone you met online?
If I were single.
4. Do you wear underwear always?
Never to bed. Always with pants/shorts. Sometimes not with skirts.
5. Do you hate yourself at times?
I get down on myself once in a blue moon, but I never hate myself.
7. Do you like dirty movies?
Occasionally. I get distracted by the lame acting and ridiculous scripts. They just shouldn't speak at all.
8. Could you believe Josha Ledet was voted off Idol?
I haven't watched Idol in a few seasons now.
9. When was the last time that you bought a car?
For myself- 2006. For Lauren- 2011.
10. Have you ever been camping?
Several times when I was a kid.
11. How many times a day do you go on facebook?
Too many to count.
12. What was the last movie you saw in a theater?
The Avengers
13. Have you ever worried that you'd cut off a limb?
Yes. When operating the paper cutter at school. You think an arm is safe from that thing?
14. Where did you get your last email from?
15. Favorite website?
Lost at E Minor
16. Are you down with ghetto?
Down with ghetto... what? Ghetto music? Ghetto ways?
17. Will the world end in fire or ice?
18. Do you believe in the afterlife?
19. Would you be upset if facebook stopped working?
For everyone or just me? If it just wasn't working for me, yes. If it stopped working altogether, no.
20. How did you start your blog?
I started my original livejournal after being mercilessly pressured by friends.
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