Powered Parachute Sighting
Thursday, May 24, 2012
But first... I've had it with Novastor backup software. It's been on my PC for a few years now, and it's never ever worked correctly. It always runs a backup when I reboot, despite asking me if I want to run it and my saying NO. It runs at random times not on the schedule. It doesn't reliably run backups that are scheduled. It frequently stops working altogether (for weeks in the background without a red icon status or any warning), giving the error "unable to allocate backup engine" when I try to open the administration window. There are several things you can try, listed in their knowledgebase, but when I tried the "repair" fix, the thing totally hung. I had to reinstall the whole program after the repair stalled.
So...while Jeff and I were out walking the other night (I always have to drop him off at home halfway through my walk- be sure and give him a hard time when you see him), someone was flying a powered parachute around overhead.
I didn't have my phone or camera with me, so that's not the actual guy, but that's what a PPC looks like. All the neighbors were out, and we were just staring up at it in amazement, like it was the Wright Brothers' first flight or something. It was pretty cool! Of course, every guy on our street wants one now.
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