Sarah Who?

Friday, August 29, 2008

McCain chose her as his running mate? It may be his downfall. She has even less experience than Obama, which is not as big a deal in a VP, but if, God forbid, she happened to become President... what the heck would she do? I do like that she's not a party-line politician. (Historically anyway.)

Looking at the big picture, there is actually a nice gathering of four very different people on the tickets now. Both candidates are really pushing the non-partisan angle- THANK GOODNESS. And evidently, they are both courting independent voters, suburbanites and "hockey moms," all of which I guess I am. lol.

So. Somebody impress me already.



I've been working on graphics so much, that I look at the acronym TGIF and think, what kind of GIF is that? Special.

Talking to Teresa last night, I found that for once, we agree on something political. Wow! We're both disenchanted with both candidates (she from the beginning, me only recently). And it turns out we both used to be big Edwards fans, until the recent marital drama. And not necessarily because he cheated on his wife (don't they all?), but because when the story broke, he lied and tried to cover it up. These days, when you get caught doing something, you're supposed to admit it and go to rehab or therapy and everyone forgives you. Didn't he get the memo?

In other news... Holy tap-dancin' Santa Claus- Donna finally started a blog. Now if she can just keep it updated. ;)

Hope everyone has a fabulous Labor Day Weekend!!


Facebook, Moulin Rouge

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Facebook is killing me with the constant changes to the News Feed. For a while I wasn't getting anything current, only 3-week old updates. Finally they added the "Show All Stories" option, and I could see all updates by date. Today they've changed the "All Stories" tab to something called "Live Feed" which appears to be a truly LIVE feed, for which I have no use at all. Gah.

About 6pm yesterday, we lost TV and internet at the same time... all... night... long. O. M. G. What kind of world do we live in?! *shakes fist at Time Warner* So we watched Lauren's baby video and Moulin Rouge.

As for the baby video, I look completely exhausted in every clip. Happy, but sleep-deprived. The first clip after her birth, I am half zonked on morphine. I have that same look when she's a month old.

Moulin Rouge. I still remember almost walking out of the theater about 5 minutes in, because it was just sooo strange. And loud. I'm glad I stuck it out, because it is one of my very favorite movies ever. Ewan McGregor is so incredibly hot in it. It's the singing thing mostly, but he looks good, too. Who knew he had that voice? The story is so romantic and the dialogue is hilarious. The music. The cinematography. The costumes. Just amazing.


Wednesday Weirdness

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Because I am boring and working a lot, and have nothing to blog about, here's a meme for today. It actually has significance, because my family has been talking about exes this week.

1. When your relationships end, are you the instigator of the breakup or the recipient?
I was initially going to say that I am typically the recipient, but when I think about it, it's pretty even.

2. Do you save things from your ex, or get rid of them? If you save them, how? If you trash them, how?
Save them, at least for the long-term ones. Their stuff is in big envelopes in a memorabilia box.

3. Describe your favorite ex:
Introspective, creative, thoughtful, funny, family-oriented.

4. Do you consider a friend's ex off limits?
I haven't ever been attracted to a friend's ex, but I think it would be okay if it was okay with my friend.

5. If you had a choice between spending the rest of your life with your worst ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend, or your HS Nemesis, who would you choose?
My worst ex. The nemesis would have no redeeming qualities whatsoever. At least there is something about an ex that you liked at some point.

6. Would you ever create a YouTube video or a website celebrating your exes' flaws?
Noooooo. I've put in a lot of effort to be on friendly terms with my exes.


School and stuff

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Lauren had a great first day at school. I drove her and Jaxon and Troy on Monday morning. It's 3 minutes one way with no traffic. About 25 minutes with traffic. I've already figured out a new strategy for the next time I have to drive, which happens to be... this morning. Lauren has to bring her marching instrument to school. I'm hoping to cut the time to 10-15 minutes. Wish me luck.

I thought my child had a big day, starting high school. Of course, she's known most of the kids since birth. Charity's children are starting kindergarten and middle school today, and in a new part of town where they don't know anyone. Whew! That's a glass-of-wine-at-lunch day in my book... And for mom as well. Ahahaa.

This event program guide stuff has me frazzled already. I don't have a Mac or design software, so I am working with Word and converting to PDF for commercial printing. It's not ideal, but it'll have to do- which is not something I want to say about any project I have my name on.

Scotty hasn't yet submitted photos of his dream house from the meme a few posts back. I am surprised. I am waiting with great anticipation! ;)


Re: Dem Convention...

Monday, August 25, 2008

In reference to the previous post, Teresa would have you all know that mountains of cash are being spent all over the place for little benefit to anyone but party yahoos and the City of Denver, where she lives.

Very true! That I can support.


Political Party Fun

Ooh. My favorite time of the election season--- party conventions!! It sounds like fun, doesn't it? Gag me, please.

First thing I see is mountains of cash being spent all over the place for little benefit to anyone but party yahoos. Next- days of the worst, empty, people-pleasing speeches of the campaigns. I call it blah blah and rah rah.

A few months ago, I would have been okay with either McCain or Obama, and today I am really not okay with either one. I figured that would happen, once the focus shifted to McCain and Obama, rather than Clinton and Obama.

Better either of them than Bush. Still. I would love to have some excitement for a candidate! Maybe next time!


Whatever You Do, Don't Say "Butt"

Saturday, August 23, 2008

A couple of days ago, Lauren and I were watching an episode of 7th Heaven where they had censored the word "butt." The whole episode was about butts, so about every 10th word was silent. In one scene, it was really difficult to follow the conversation. We were totally cracking up. Since then, every time we say "butt," we just mouth the word. How hilarious are we?

Alas, our summer days are over. No more 7th Heaven or SpongeBob marathons. No more getting up at 9 or 10 and staying up until 2am. No random hanging out at the mall or Barton Springs, or riding bikes in 105 degree heat. Well, there are always weekends!

So, happy weekend to everybody. We're getting our (butts) ready for school on Monday!


A Photo Meme

Friday, August 22, 2008

Thursday Thunk

If you could have any house, money no object whatsoever, what kind of house would it be? Walk us through it...

It would have to be on the beach.

Two words: media room. Although, I would include a long sofa in addition to the chairs. Plus open space to play the Wii.

Big kitchen. Open to the family room. Fireplace optional.

Luxury master bath. Because my current one sucks. lol. HUGE shower with all the fancy sprayers, please.

And of course a wonderful guest room or two for everyone to come visit. :D


PowerPoint and Such

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Y'all were right. PowerPoint is easy! So far, everything I've done for this event has been on a super-short deadline. Luckily, I have about a month to do 2 PowerPoint presentations and a 20-page event program.

The meeting was good. I told the event planner about people having to croak before there are open positions in the biz. She laughed and said it's actually a growing field right now. Not only that, but the owner of the company was a software engineer before jumping ship to start an event business.

There's hope for me yet! :D


Event Planning

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Remember how I always say my dream job is "event planner"? I'll come closest I've ever been to that very job tomorrow, when I meet with the event planners about the PowerPoint project. I was friends with my company's meeting planner when I worked there. She told me that to get a job like hers, someone had to die first, because it was such a sought-after position and there aren't very many of them. (That's exactly what they told me about the hospital radiation safety officer job I tried to find when I came to Austin. Okay, I know it doesn't sound fun to YOU. lol.)

So I'll be right there at the event planning company tomorrow. Observing. Hoping someone doesn't have to graduate to the great beyond for me to get in there. And I don't start the project until tomorrow. That means I have a day to install and practice Power Point. :D


Last Week Before School

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Next Monday the kiddo will be in... hhhhhhh... hhhhh... high school. Just yesterday she was a toddler running around with a sippy cup. Heck, just yesterday I was running around with my friends in high school! Those friends are currently jumping at the opportunity to remind me of crazy things we did back then. They're lovely people... usually...

Janeen gave me the Mexican Riviera Cruise report yesterday afternoon. She particularly enjoyed the Tequila and Horseback Riding shore excursion in Puerto Vallarta. Best tequila she ever had. They would only pour it into your shot glass if you held the glass on top of your head. The guy pouring was drinking as well. Soon everyone was covered in tequila, and one of her shipmates started singing opera. Then a bit of a talent show broke out, and Janeen did a paper-folding trick. Nothing like that has ever happened on my shore excursions!

Today I embark on a PowerPoint project for a big Foundation event. I didn't tell Scott I've never done PowerPoint. Gosh, I hope he doesn't see this. lol. Nah, everyone says it's easy. No worries.


Saturday 9 on... Monday

Monday, August 18, 2008

But first! A little internet humor. I went to a website this morning and got the message "This hosting account has expired..." signed with a banner. Guess they're not necessarily your webhost for life.

Thank you. I'm here all week.

Saturday 9

1. Do you worry about your next birthday?

2. Have you lied about your age in the recent past? If yes why?

3. Did you ever lie about your age when you were young? If yes why?
When I was a tween and teen, I occasionally let older kids think I was older than I was. But I never lied about it outright.

4. How much older have you been than a person with whom you were romantically involved?
1 year.

5. How much younger have you been than a person with whom you were romantically involved?
I have been on dates with guys up to 6 years older than me, but never in a relationship with anyone more than one year older.

6. Have you ever been considered a sibling, rather than parent of your child?
Unfortunately no. I think that happens when your child is a little older than mine.

7. If you have had children, did you factor in age when deciding to have a sibling?
Complicated question. We decided to have another baby when Lauren was 5, but her age was not a factor. (Very long story very short, we didn't have a baby then, so no siblings.)

8. If you have not had children, are you happy with your choice and/or fate?

9. Do your siblings have kids? Are you close to them? Their ages?
My older half-brother has two daughters. He and I have talked a few times, but I haven't met him or his family yet. I think the girls are 16 and 17.


Friend's Child Off to College

Sunday, August 17, 2008

It's finally raining, and it looks like it won't stop until at least Tuesday. Yippee! Kathy is on her Alaska cruise right now, so she's missing the rain and the nippy high temps in the 80's. Too bad, eh?

Kimberly is driving her oldest son to Michigan State today, where he is going to be a freshman. Ack. I just can't imagine how hard that goodbye must be. So exciting, but such a big life change for everyone. As he goes off into the big world, I am reminded of an essay I was sent when Lauren was going to kindergarten. (I know it's not the same... don't remind me... lol.) Kleenexes ready?

I Trust You'll Treat Her Well
By Dan Valentine
From the book "American Essays: Sentimental Classics Designed to Make the Heart Sing"

Dear World:

I bequeath to you today one little girl ... in a crispy dress ... with two blue eyes ... and a happy laugh that ripples all day long ... and a flash of light blonde hair that bounces in the sunlight when she runs. I trust you'll treat her well.

She's slipping out of the backyard of my heart this morning ... and skipping off down the street to her first day of school. And never again will she be completely mine. Prim and proud she'll wave her young and independent hand this morning and say "Good Bye"... and walk with little lady steps to the schoolhouse.

Now she'll learn to stand in line ... and wait by the alphabet for her name to be called. She'll learn to tune her ears to the sounds of school-bells ... and deadlines ... and she'll learn to giggle ... and gossip ... and look at the ceiling in a disinterested way when the little boy across the aisle sticks out his tongue at her. And now she'll learn to be jealous. And now she'll learn how it is to feel hurt inside. And now she'll learn how not to cry.

No longer will she have time to sit on the front porch steps on a summer day and watch an ant scurry across the crack in a sidewalk. Nor will she have time to pop out of bed with the dawn to kiss lilac blossoms in the morning dew. No, now she'll worry about important things. Like grades ... and which dress to wear ... and who's best friend is whose. And the magic of books and learning will replace the magic of her blocks and dolls. And now she'll find new heroes.

For five full years now I've been her sage and Santa Claus and pal and playmate and father and friend. Now she'll learn to share her worship with her teachers ... which is only right. But, no longer will I be the smartest man in the whole world. Today when that school bell rings for the first time ... she'll learn what it means to be a member of a group. With all it's privileges. And it's disadvantages too.

She'll learn in time that proper young ladies do not laugh out loud. Or kiss dogs. Or keep frogs in pickle jars in bedrooms. Or even watch ants scurry across cracks in the summer sidewalk. Today she'll learn for the first time that all who smile at her are not her friends. And I'll stand on the front porch and watch her start out on the long, lonely journey to become a woman.

So, World, I bequeath to you today one little girl ... in a crispy dress ... with two blue eyes and a happy laugh that ripples all day long ... and a flash of light blonde hair that bounces in the sunlight when she runs.

I trust you'll treat her well.


The Office Season 5 Promo

Friday, August 15, 2008


Instant Messaging Habits

When I sign in, my status is...
"invisible to everyone", which I almost always immediately switch to "available." I don't log in for the day until I'm available to talk.

When I set my status to "busy"...
I anticipate I will be unavailable for a significant amount of time, but not so long that I would just log out of YM.

When I list a specific activity in my status...
I think it's interesting, have certain contacts who need to know what I'm doing, or have made up something ridiculous that I think is funny.

When I start typing "lol" a lot...
I am either amused or letting you know that I am joking about something. I type "lol" a lot, but it's legit- not those "whatever, let's move along..." kind of lol's.


When I am using shortcuts/chatspeak...
other than the basics (brb, lol, etc.), I am just being silly. Things like "how R U" are not part of my normal online conversations.

When I am typing in all lowercase...
you'll know it's me and not an impostor. I always type in lowercase because it's faster.

When I say "BRB"... 
I'll be away from the computer for a couple of minutes. If my status is "BRB", I'll be away for like 15 minutes or less.

When it looks like I'm offline...
there is a 99% chance that I am not logged into YM. I may be on the net though, so "offline" isn't really accurate.

When it looks like I am idle...
let me know, because it's not supposed to show when I'm idle.

When I sign out suddenly...
I most likely closed the Messenger program window by accident, and will return within moments.


Random Thursday

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Why are the most fabulous lip glosses the stickiest? The very name "gloss" implies it's slick. Blah.

Girls' Night was cool. Finally met Maria! She really wants to go to Bob Schneider next time we see him, although she heard that the ladies really like him just because he's cute. I assured her it is ALL ABOUT THE MUSIC. :)

We drained, cleaned, filled and treated the hot tub this past weekend. Now it is leaking. Holy cats. No, I didn't leave the drain thingie open. Thanks for asking.

Wanna know a federal secret? There is a Bureau of Engraving and Printing in Ft. Worth. That's one of two places where they make paper money (the other is in Washington DC). It's not really a secret, but evidently it's something a lot of locals aren't aware of. Tripadvisor reviews indicate that it's super-interesting to take the tour, and that the lines are not long like in Washington. How fun!

Amusing Girls' Night convo:
Maria: My twins' first birthday is in a couple of weeks.
Cindy: Aww! How old will they be?
Maria: ...One.



Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Kath and I saw Bob Schneider at Saxon Pub on Monday. I prefer him with less facial hair. I know I should be all about the music, but I'm just saying. He's still hot though. ...Anyway, he opened with "Falling in Love with Jill Kotowski," which is one of my favorite songs. Loved the show!! At the end of the set, they did "Time to Go" in the style of Violent Femmes ("Blister in the Sun"). Cute.

New "song of the moment" over there >>> in the blog sidebar. Can't get it out of my head.

Last night I helped Laura start getting her classroom ready. I hooked up her computer. Yep. It even works. And I drew a big old A&M on her white board. That's a great start to the year right there.


Wedding Meme

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

1. Where/how did you meet?
In Physics and Calculus, fall of 1986, my sophomore year at TAMU.

2. How long have you known each other?
Almost 22 years.

3. How long after you met did you start dating?
Let's see. After we actually spoke? 'Cuz there were several weeks of non-verbal flirting before that. I think we started talking to each other in class in November and started dating in January.

4. How long did you date before getting engaged?
We dated for a year and then broke up. We were apart for almost a year and then got back together and dated for another 5 months or so before getting engaged. So, a year-and-a-half total.

5. How long was your engagement?
1 year. He was living in Austin during that time, while I was in College Station at grad school.

6. How long have you been married?
18 years.

7. Where was the rehearsal dinner?
Nighthawk. Yummo. Too bad that place shut down.

8. How many people came to your wedding reception?
Around 75.

9. What kind of cake did you serve?
Traditional white cake for the wedding cake. Chocolate for the groom's cake. Yeah, I would SO do something more interesting today.

10. Where was your wedding?
Fairview Baptist Church in Austin.

11. What did you serve for the meal?
We were at the Hyatt Regency Town Lake, so of course we had their famous fajitas!

12. How many people were in your bridal party?
Nine. Matron of Honor- Kimberly; Best Man- Gene; 2 bridesmaids- Cathy and Kathy; 2 groomsmen- Stephen and Steven; my friend Judy, who sang during the ceremony; 2 ushers- Doug and Greg.

13. Are you still friends with them?
We've lost track of Stephen, Doug and Greg.

14. Did your spouse cry during the wedding ceremony?
No. Neither did I. I was afraid I would be weeping through the whole thing, but I was way too nervous to be exceptionally emotional.

15. Most special moment of your wedding day?
When we first saw each other, just before I walked down the aisle.

16. Any funny moments?
I forgot to give Kimberly Jeff's ring before the ceremony. She pulled her wedding band off while we were at the altar and gave it to me for the ring exchange. Jeff didn't realize it was hers and shoved it onto his finger, where it became stuck. After the ceremony, it took a while to get the thing off. I don't think Kimberly found it as funny as the rest of us did.

17. Any big disasters?
No. I had typed up a schedule for every person in the wedding party. Seriously. The thing went very smoothly.

18. Where did you honeymoon?
The Westin Camino Real in Cancun. (It's now called something else. It's at the point, next to the Hyatt.)

19. For how long?
1 week.

20. If you were to do your wedding over, what would you change?
I wouldn't change my wedding because it was what I wanted at the time, but I think it would be a blast to bring a very small group on a trip somewhere exotic and tropical, and do the ceremony on a beach.

21. What is your song?
We don't have a song. I don't think I have had a particular song with anyone, actually. Any songs from a certain time period remind me of the relationships I had at that time.

22. What did you dance your first dance to?
"Don't Know Much"- Linda Ronstadt and Aaron Neville

23. Describe your wedding dress.
Very 80's. White satin. Big puffy sleeves, lots of sequins and lace. Long train with a huge bow on the back. It was totally AWESOME.

24. What kind of flowers did you have at your wedding?
Peach freesia, peach roses and some kind of white flowers I can't recall the name of.

25. Are your wedding bands engraved?
His says "Love you, K." (Neither one of us remembered it exactly. I had to look. lol.) My wedding ring is one of those contorted shapes that fits into the engagement ring by a miracle of physics, so its band is too narrow for engraving.



Monday, August 11, 2008

I'm one of those people not watching the Olympics in protest of human rights abuses in China, but I did happen to be doing dishes during swimming last night, when I heard the announcer say, "Now he can say that he is the number one breast stroker in the world!" Um. Wow. lol.

Incidentally, I am also boycotting W for attending. Although, I was already boycotting him for other reasons. Any news coverage of him and I change the channel. It actually does wonders for your blood pressure.

Also heard about the 4x100 freestyle where France was trash-talking us and we beat them by 8/100 of a second. Bwahahaha! Who trash-talks at the Olympics?



Friday, August 8, 2008

I was driving Laura crazy this afternoon with my pronunciation of the word "chorizo." I use the standard Texas pronunciation- cho-REE-zo. She insists that it should be said with the Spanish accent- cho-DEE-so (corrected from the rolling R, per my Spanish-speaking friends), and of course she says it at the required 150mph.

You know I'll be thinking up chorizo stories for the next six months to get her going. If I really wind up my drawl, I bet can even make it a four-syllable word. ;)


Four for Friday

We saw Summer Stock Austin's production of Oklahoma! last night at St. Ed's. It was really fantastic. These are college and high school students from all over Texas who spend the summer doing theater here. The singing was amazing! The girl who plays Ado Annie steals the show. It runs through this Sunday the 10th.

On Letterman last night, Kiefer Sutherland said that while in county jail for DWI, he literally dropped the soap in the shower. Oh man. That is funny. And the guy takes responsibility for what he did, pointing out that it was one of those "I think I'm okay to drive" things so many people do, but should never. He encouraged people to just let someone sober drive. Refreshing in the face of other celebs who don't even get why they are going to jail for a little old DWI.

And now Four for Friday:

Did you paint the walls in your home or were they painted to your liking before you moved in?
All the walls were originally the builder's standard off-white. I have painted some rooms. I hate doing the painting, but love the result.

What's your favorite room in your house and why?
The kitchen. I guess it's the hub of the house. It's big and it has my one red wall that I've always wanted.

If your employer offered you the opportunity to work from home, would you take it?
When I go back to work, I don't want to work from home every day. I would miss the social aspect of the office. I might like working from home one day a week, to have a day of flexible time to take care of household tasks, appointments, etc.

When was the last time you hosted overnight visitors in your home, and how long did they stay? Do you enjoy entertaining/hosting overnight visitors?
It's been a few months. I think it was Cathy and she stayed two nights. I enjoy hosting overnight guests. Come on down!


Wednesday Happy Hour

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Happy Hour at Kathy's was fun last night. A little too fun for me, early on. I started with two drinks in about 30 minutes. Oops! lol. For me, that might as well be four drinks, since I don't drink that often. By the end of the night (yeah, Wednesday Happy Hour goes to about 10:30) we were actually having surprisingly clear-minded conversation about pharmaceutical studies and drug development out of Sloan-Kettering. They can skip Phase I trials there... well I won't bore you with the details. Just saying that we were all functional at that point.

Learned how to make a chocolate martini. Add that to my skills list. And my favorite drink list.

Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 was very good. Not as good as the first one, I think, but definitely worth seeing. It was a tad disjointed and jumped around too quickly in places. For the first one, I always need a box of tissues. This one- only one tissue. Still- see it with your girlfriends or your daughters!


Ugly Dolphins?

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

On Good Morning America, they showed the first video ever of a recently-discovered new species called the snub fin dolphin. During the story someone mentioned that they aren't as cute as regular dolphins.

Bill Weir commented, "I hear they have great personalities though."

Awww.... lol

I think they look like dolphins with beluga whale heads.

Rare New Species Discovered Dubbed Worlds Ugliest Dolphin (vid is at the bottom of the page)


Finally Won Guitar Hero: Aerosmith

Monday, August 4, 2008

I have been trying to beat Joe Perry in the Guitar Battle for days now. I call him Steve Perry most of the time by mistake. If I were doing a guitar battle with Steve Perry, I might have won the first time. Heh.

Well I finally beat him, and completed the game on Medium. Yahoo! I don't do the orange button, so Hard is not the next step for me. I'm just waiting for GH: World Tour in October.

Back to work on the magazine ad today. We got an extension on our deadline. A few more touch-ups, and it will be ready.


Reigning Champs of "The Card Game"

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Scott K and I are the current champs of the infamous card game that no one in the Game Night group knows the name of. BOO-YAH. Fun game.

I made various appetizers and banana pudding for dessert. Bruce arrived with not one, but TWO desserts, plus bowls, a hand mixer and a blow torch. When a guy brings gas-powered cooking tools, you let him serve his dessert. So we had strawberry shortcake with real whipped cream, and lemon tarts with toasted meringue. Holy bajeebus. So good. We won't be eating again for a month.

I had Llano Estacado Vintner's Reserve Blush for the first time last night. It is very smooth. Yummo. A fantastic inexpensive wine out of Lubbock.

There was a running gag all night about this:
State loses attempt to argue anew for sex toy ban
Somewhere in the story I thought Julie said Walmart had filed the original suit against the state ban. I said, "Walmart sells that stuff?" After that, 15 minutes couldn't go by without a Walmart sex toy joke. I can tell you there are about a million and one of those. lol.


Saturday 9

Saturday, August 2, 2008

It's the Saturday 9!

1. What is your favorite summer drink?
Sweet tea.

2. What is the best summer sport to play?
Frisbee golf.

3. What’s the best summer sport to watch?
Beach volleyball. The men's division.

4. Do you like the ocean, the pool or the lake?
The ocean, baby!

5. Some folks drink whiskey in the winter and gin, tequila (margaritas) or rum drinks in the summer. Does you alcohol of choice change?

6. What is your favorite summer song?
"Summer of '69" Bryan Adams

7. What was your best summer growing up? How old were you and why was it best?
Summer after my sophomore year of high school. I was 16. My friends and I could all finally drive, and we were at the beach a LOT. It was the first summer we all had that kind of independence, and were able to go places without having to see if someone's parents could drive us.

8. Have you ever had a summer romance that you knew would end?
One time. It was in college, with a guy I worked with in the Dean's Office. He's the only guy I dated exclusively for a significant amount of time, for whom I didn't have serious feelings (nor did he, so don't feel bad for him- lol). We had some great times, and stayed friends afterwards, so it was all good.

9. How old were you when you first went skinny-dipping? Who were you with?
I've never been skinny-dipping. I have had my bikini top or bottom- never both at the same time- audaciously removed by goofy boys (guy friends or boyfriends who thought they were hilarious) while we were swimming.


Change of Pace

Friday, August 1, 2008

What? It's August? Happy August! Time flies...

Late yesterday, I got an assignment to do a full-page ad for an event for Austin Monthly Magazine. It's pretty cool, well because it's going to be in Austin Monthly, and it's a chance to do some layout work. Layout and graphics design experience I have- newspaper, scrapbooking, websites. I do not have experience with preparing images for publication in a magazine, so there was a little research involved. (Online research---- LOTS of experience there. lol. Ask me anything.)

The only tough thing was the deadline, which was this morning. Luckily, we made a Starbucks run about 8:30pm and the caffeine kept me up until 1:30am.

The event planner is pleased with the ad. I should hear back from the office this morning to see if the tech specs are correct for submission to the magazine. *crosses fingers*

Speaking of newspaper experience, my high school journalism teacher found me on Facebook. How freakin' cool is that?! I didn't even know she was still at Creek, now twenty-ish years later. I wonder if she still has a crush on Tom Selleck. I'll have to ask her. High school newspaper... good times!


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This is a personal blog with no particular niche, or really any purpose whatsoever. Thanks for reading all the way to the bottom! Stalker...


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