Instant Messaging Habits
Friday, August 15, 2008
When I sign in, my status is...
"invisible to everyone", which I almost always immediately switch to "available." I don't log in for the day until I'm available to talk.
When I set my status to "busy"...
I anticipate I will be unavailable for a significant amount of time, but not so long that I would just log out of YM.
When I list a specific activity in my status...
I think it's interesting, have certain contacts who need to know what I'm doing, or have made up something ridiculous that I think is funny.
When I start typing "lol" a lot...
I am either amused or letting you know that I am joking about something. I type "lol" a lot, but it's legit- not those "whatever, let's move along..." kind of lol's.
When I am using shortcuts/chatspeak...
other than the basics (brb, lol, etc.), I am just being silly. Things like "how R U" are not part of my normal online conversations.
When I am typing in all lowercase...
you'll know it's me and not an impostor. I always type in lowercase because it's faster.
When I say "BRB"...
I'll be away from the computer for a couple of minutes. If my status is "BRB", I'll be away for like 15 minutes or less.
When it looks like I'm offline...
there is a 99% chance that I am not logged into YM. I may be on the net though, so "offline" isn't really accurate.
When it looks like I am idle...
let me know, because it's not supposed to show when I'm idle.
When I sign out suddenly...
I most likely closed the Messenger program window by accident, and will return within moments.
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