Saturday 9 on... Monday

Monday, August 18, 2008

But first! A little internet humor. I went to a website this morning and got the message "This hosting account has expired..." signed with a banner. Guess they're not necessarily your webhost for life.

Thank you. I'm here all week.

Saturday 9

1. Do you worry about your next birthday?

2. Have you lied about your age in the recent past? If yes why?

3. Did you ever lie about your age when you were young? If yes why?
When I was a tween and teen, I occasionally let older kids think I was older than I was. But I never lied about it outright.

4. How much older have you been than a person with whom you were romantically involved?
1 year.

5. How much younger have you been than a person with whom you were romantically involved?
I have been on dates with guys up to 6 years older than me, but never in a relationship with anyone more than one year older.

6. Have you ever been considered a sibling, rather than parent of your child?
Unfortunately no. I think that happens when your child is a little older than mine.

7. If you have had children, did you factor in age when deciding to have a sibling?
Complicated question. We decided to have another baby when Lauren was 5, but her age was not a factor. (Very long story very short, we didn't have a baby then, so no siblings.)

8. If you have not had children, are you happy with your choice and/or fate?

9. Do your siblings have kids? Are you close to them? Their ages?
My older half-brother has two daughters. He and I have talked a few times, but I haven't met him or his family yet. I think the girls are 16 and 17.


Anonymous,  August 18, 2008 at 9:28 AM  

1) No
2) No
3) Hell Yes
I wasn't old enough to see a rated R movie...I just had to see Porky's!!!
4) 5 years (Fab)
5) 2 years
6) N/A
7) N/A
8) Yes
9) I have one neice and 3nephews.
I am not that close to them. 18 - 24.

Anonymous,  August 18, 2008 at 9:28 AM  

1) No
2) No
3) Hell Yes
I wasn't old enough to see a rated R movie...I just had to see Porky's!!!
4) 5 years (Fab)
5) 2 years
6) N/A
7) N/A
8) Yes
9) I have one neice and 3nephews.
I am not that close to them. 18 - 24.

Kathy August 18, 2008 at 9:34 AM  

I have never seen Porky's. Weird, huh. Add that to my Netflix list.

Anonymous,  August 18, 2008 at 12:28 PM  

I remember it being very funny...although I was 14 at the time...maybe 15. So please consider that...It might not be funny now that we are 29 and very mature for our age!!!

Kathy August 18, 2008 at 2:09 PM  

lol. Well, I'll just save it for one of those nights when I'm in the mood for 15-year-old boy humor.

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