Friday, August 29, 2008
I've been working on graphics so much, that I look at the acronym TGIF and think, what kind of GIF is that? Special.
Talking to Teresa last night, I found that for once, we agree on something political. Wow! We're both disenchanted with both candidates (she from the beginning, me only recently). And it turns out we both used to be big Edwards fans, until the recent marital drama. And not necessarily because he cheated on his wife (don't they all?), but because when the story broke, he lied and tried to cover it up. These days, when you get caught doing something, you're supposed to admit it and go to rehab or therapy and everyone forgives you. Didn't he get the memo?
In other news... Holy tap-dancin' Santa Claus- Donna finally started a blog. Now if she can just keep it updated. ;)
Hope everyone has a fabulous Labor Day Weekend!!
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