Senior Ring Time for the Kiddo

Friday, October 8, 2010

Lo-Lo now has her senior ring on order. Am I officially old now? Good grief.

We did discuss how most people don't wear their high school rings after high school, but she really wanted one. And it's very cool, I think. She has a music design on the "2012" side, since she plays various instruments, and a color guard design on the other side, with her name. She selected a topaz stone, which is her birthstone and her favorite color- yellow. Silver ring. Neato!

Plus, I beat the school vendor's price by about $100 at Zales. BOO-YAH.

Funniest thing heard last night--

Lauren (to Jeff): YOU dated a cheerleader in high school?
Jeff: Hey, you don't have to be so surprised.

That... just earned this post a "funny" tag.

JeffC sent me this amusing/interesting map of the online social networks. He just proved my point that Facebook is the be-all-and-end-all. It's actually based on usage facts and figures, as you can read if you click on the map to enlarge to full size. See? I can gack things from people other than The Bloggess. :p

(Well she did have this one funny link: SO TRUE: The pain of watching non geeks use computers And it is indeed SO TRUE.)

I'm having a positively fabulous morning! Hope you have a fabulous Friday!! :D


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