Safe Miners 'n Stuff

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Amazing job getting everyone out of the mine in Chile. Just awesome. 

Every time I see a headline like Gates says courts should not set policy on gays, I think, What the heck do I care what Bill Gates thinks about *insert military issue here*?! Yeah. I'll figure that one out right before the Defense Secretary leaves that job.

Song Lyrics du Jour

...You wear white and I'll wear out the words "I love you"
And "you're beautiful..."

Train "Marry Me"

Thursday Thunks

1. It's election time. The moon is currently waxing crescent and is 37% full. What do you do to decide who to vote for?
Voting guides, political ads and a Ouija board

2. Everybody is afraid of something. Do you play a musical instrument?
I play piano, but not well.

3. Everyone loves some kind of music. What is an irrational fear that you have?
Fear of heights, to the extent that I avoid looking straight down from a high place. I also don't like people I care about leaning over railings and such. Don't let me see you doing it. It makes me feel ill. So technically, I have a fear of YOU falling.

4. Back to politics. Who do you think will be next president after Obama whether he gets a second term or not?
Egads. The pickings are slim. Maybe Jon Stewart will jump in?

5. What is the most unusual piece of furniture that you own?
An antique English washstand that my grandmother bought over there. It's the only antique in my house, and it's hidden in Jeff's office. I'm a fairly contemporary decorator.

6. Everybody gets angry at times. When was your last time and what did it concern?
I needed 1000 sheets of colored paper the other day from the office supply lady at work. She gave me two reams, and one was opened. I said I needed a new one, and she insisted it had just popped open and was 500 sheets. It soooooo obviously wasn't. Sure enough, it was 40 sheets short. Not sure what her problem was, but I should have gone back there and made her get me another pack of paper! I supplemented with some I already had, because I'm nice like that.

7. Do you have cousins? If yes, are you or have you been close? 
I have 5 cousins and 3 step-cousins, and I have been close with 2 of them. None of them has ever lived near me.

8. What was the last song that you sang in the shower?
Remember, I sing everywhere but the shower. The last song I sang was Taylor Swift, "Mine".
...You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter...

9. What question would you like me to ask next week?
"What's your current favorite song?" I need new music suggestions!

10. What's in your left pocket right now? 
I don't have a pocket in my night gown.

11. When was the last time that you laughed till you cried?
About a week ago. I can't remember what it was that cracked me up.

12. What song would you like played at your funeral?
Yikes. I have no idea.

13. How did you discover Thursday Thunks the first time that you played?
A link from Sunday Stealing.


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