J Zero and Harry Turd

Friday, October 22, 2010

One of CJ's exes' last name is Zera. She mentioned him the other day and I said "J**** ZERO?" She about fell out of her chair laughing. She says I have said that literally every single time she's mentioned his name in the last 25 years. That's not the worst thing we call one of her exes. The worst is Hairy Turd. (We just call him Harry.) It's a mix up of a few letters of his real name. She We I am terrible! Don't mess with my friends or you, too, will henceforth be known by an embarrassing junior-high nickname. :p

Talked with Doug last night! I think we've covered most of the basics since we last saw each other about 10 years ago. I haven't given him the link to this thing yet, but I did tell him that when he comes here, he can search for his name and see how long and riddled with potholes my sleuthing process has been. He is sure to be impressed. Even though he lives right down the freeway from me and I somehow missed it. Yeah. This may not have been my most impressive Googling ever. Heck, I found Scotty in two days... in Coatzacoalcos! Of course, he has a Facebook, like a regular person. Not that he's ever on it... ;)

Doug tells me Glee is doing a Rocky Horror episode next week. Wow! How cool will that be?! Why can't I get into that show? I have always wanted to love it, but the story just doesn't do anything for me. I only like watching the musical numbers. (Well, I LOVE the musical numbers.) Somehow I'm rarely watching the "big" TV shows everyone else is watching.

Happiest of Fridays, all!


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