Meme Thursday
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Thursday Thunks: Sneaking Out
1. When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who were you meeting and why?
I never had to sneak out. As long as Mom knew where I was, she was almost always okay with my being out. The literally 2-3 times she wasn't okay with what I was doing, I whined a lot but I didn't go.
2. Tell us about the last time that you got your heart broken. Extra points if you publish their naked photo.
Jeff went out with another girl at home over Christmas break my junior year of college, and then broke up with me as soon as we got back to school for spring semester. I didn't see it coming at all, so I was devastated. I can't post his naked picture, because Facebook paybacks are Hell.
3. Tell us about someone you know named Bob. (Yes, we know this is a stupid question. Stupid is what we do best.)
Bob B. One-half of Frankenbob from college. He was in the nuke department with me. He had been in the navy before attending A&M. We hung out a lot, had many classes together. We and our mutual friends had a ton of game nights over the years, where we usually played cards. He's funny and very sweet when he wants to be. He is a great cook as well.
4. We just found the perfect retail space. We are giving you the store. What’s its name and what do you sell?
It's called Just Boots. I just sell boots.
5. Tell us about your last "friend with benefits".
Yeah, I never was into that. There had to be a deeper connection for me to get that cozy with someone.
6. Kimber worries a lot. What was the last thing that you worried about?
Getting out of east Austin last night before the sun went down.
7. Do you believe “once a cheater, always a cheater”?
No. Sure, there are people with a perpetual roving eye, who will never be faithful to one person. There are others who get into a situation for one reason or another, who would be unlikely to do it again. If you're cheated on, your challenge is to determine which kind of partner you're with, and if it's worth sticking it out.
8. Tell us about moving out of your parents' home. Who did you move in with?
I moved to College Station to start school the fall after high school grad. I was in a garage apartment in my Grandparents' house. No roommate.
9. What was your most recent regret?
Using Google Chrome to edit this entry. The "select" on this thing is a bit overenthusiastic.
10. Berleen recently ranted on facebook about having to got to parent-teacher conferences when your child has great grades. What was the stupidest meeting that you most recently endured?
I haven't been at a stupid meeting in a while. I manage to see them coming and avoid them.
11. Do you collect anything?
personal memorabilia
12. Has anyone ever told you that you were in the wrong job?
Only the few people who weren't happy that I took my current job.
13. Is there something that you’d like to complete before the end of 2010?
I've just started organizing my photos in Picasa. I'm tagging them all and adding captions, etc. It's a huge project, but since I haven't printed photos in forever, I need to get a system going for permanent storage and retrieval.
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