Weekend Update
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Jenny The Bloggess left a comment on my blog! Those of you who have heard me tell stories that begin, "The Bloggess was talking about..." know that made my day. :D
Went on a hot date last night to Iron Cactus, which, due to awesome weather and its prime location and outside patio, was packed out the yang. So we went to a place called Gumbo's on Lake Travis, which is neither on Lake Travis, nor does it have a gumbo entree. (Gumbo is available as a barely-mentioned side dish.) I had a pretty impressive salmon with pesto and crab. Everything there has a little spice to it, even the butter. Very good, upscale restaurant, but super loud.
The boys are finishing up the Great Rocket Motor Project of 2010 tonight. It's dominated all life as we know it for several weeks. Next weekend these thousands of motors will be used at a Boy Scout event, and will no longer exist. Ha!
No, I still don't want to see The Social Network, although I like JT's new look.
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