Hump Day at the Library

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Library volunteering and a foundation meeting this morning. Keeps me off the streets I suppose.

There is a guy on TMZ who is incredibly funny most every time they show him. I wish I knew his name! Yesterday he commented on "Fashion Week" which everyone said was over. He said, "No this is Fashion Week in Paris, where it's even more fashion-y." He has this "couldn't care less" attitude that cracks me up.

Facebook has now randomly erased at least three comments people have made on my status and photos. I get a notification that includes the comment, so I know what was said. Then I go to respond and it's not there. I asked Tracy about it when it happened on her comment yesterday, to make sure she hadn't deleted it herself. She said she didn't. Very weird! The first time it happened was when Michael, who is a huge UT fan, made a negative comment about A&M on one of my pics. When I saw it was gone, I thought he deleted it because he didn't have the cajones to leave it there for my reply. LOL! Now I realize he probably thinks I deleted it! Very amusing.


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