Parking Woes
Monday, October 19, 2009
Not the kind of parking where your windows are fogged up and you're dreading the policeman's flashlight in the back window...
When we arrived at Friday night's high school football game in the unfortunately unlined lot, we pulled into the facing row of an existing line of cars. There was supposed to be a space behind us before a new row. We came out of the stadium early to miss traffic and a whole row of dorkasses had parked behind our row, blocking us all in like this:
The K is me.
Those people knew exactly what they did, because they had to walk through the two rows of cars to go towards the stadium. We sat there for maybe half an hour before the people next to us were luckily able to get out and I did some fancy maneuvering to exit to that side. Good grief.
Sunday Stealing: The ABC's of Meme
A- Advocate for:
Not an official advocate of anyone, but I probably contribute to a lot of conversations on behalf of people without health insurance.
B- Best Feature:
C- Could do without:
D- Dreams and desires:
to visit Russia, Greece and Australia
E- Essential items:
F- Favorite pastime:
going to movies
G- Good at:
H- Have never tried:
I- If I had a million dollars:
I'd buy you a green dress, but not a real green dress, that's cruel
J- Junkie for:
K- Kindred spirit:
L- Little known fact:
My mother was obsessed with Tom Jones. When I was little she played his albums all the time and I knew ALL his songs.
M- Memorable moment:
During my c-section, hearing Lauren cry when she was born and thinking it was someone else's baby crying. I didn't realize she was out yet, and she was off to my left, and I thought she was down the hall with her teeny weeny voice.
N- Never again will I:
park in the adjoining row of a non-lined parking area. I will start a new line in the appropriate place. :)
O- Occasional indulgence:
chocolate cake
P- Profession:
Q- Quote:
"When I grow up, I want to be a Canadian, because I'm so funny!" Lauren, age 3
R- Reason to smile:
my funny friends
S- Sorry about:
my random blog posts
T- Things you are worrying about right now:
forgetting to do something this very busy week
U- Uninterested in:
"Survivor," the show
V- Very scared of:
W- Worst habits:
leaving my shoes by the door
Y- Yummiest dessert:
chocolate cake
X- X marks my ideal vacation spot:
Z- Zodiac sign:
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