Saturday Nine

Saturday, October 24, 2009

1. Tell us a story when you got jealous.
The worst jealousy I ever had was when Evans and I were still seeing each other when I went to college and it was his senior year of high school. We were both dating around, but one of the girls he was going out with had always wanted to date him while we were together. That really bugged me and I literally got a tension headache at the very mention of her name.

2. What is your least favorite thing about yourself?
Occasional shyness. I'm now proficient at managing it, interacting and doing the whole "fake it until you make it" thing, but I'm still not myself in the few situations where I'd love to blend into the wallpaper.

3. Who do you mess with the most?

4. Do you have any special talents? What are they?
I am good at print layout- magazine pages, newspaper, newsletters, etc.

5. If you could have a secret fling that no one would ever find out about, would you?

6. What's the furthest you've been from home?

7. How many Saturday 9 player's blogs do you typically visit?

8. Some great bloggers lose their "mojo" and quit blogging. Could you see that happening to you?
I don't have blogging mojo. More just a desire to put thoughts to paper... err... screen. So while I might stop blogging, and have quit for times in the past, I'll probably always journal in some form.

9. What's the biggest mistake you've made so far this year?
Telling Laura about my library conversation last week. ROFL


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