Please Don't Text and Drive

Friday, October 2, 2009

Would they just BAN texting while driving already???!!!! I imagine it's the same yutzes who pushed for cell phone chatting to be okay at the wheel who are now pushing to keep legal texting while driving. (Why does spellcheck think "putzes" is a word, but not "yutzes?" I need a true Yiddish dictionary.) It steams me when the texting guy in front of me is weaving in and out of his lane and driving 20mph under the speed limit. Get off the phone and drive, buddy. You wanna text at stoplights? Fine. I'll even wait for the occasional dork who doesn't realize the light is green. Wanna text while your car is in motion and use your vehicle to kill yourself, your family or someone else? Sorry, that's simply not your right.

Gov't seeks ban on texting truckers, bus drivers

Ahh! So it's only dangerous for certain drivers. Got it. *rolls eyes*

More Lyrics of the Day from yesterday's song, "It's You," by Tony Lucca. Because, yes... it's that good.

...I'll wait like no other man
For you to come in to me, lay skin-to-skin with me
Making me smile and smile...

And the Friday Five!

Careers, Dreams, and Reality.

1. What did you dream of being when you were a little child?
a doctor

2. What did you think you might become when you were between the ages of 12-13?
a backup singer for Bette Midler

3. What career choices did you consider as a young adult?
aerospace engineer (until a fateful A&M trip where an AE prof told me most girls don't do well in AE- yeesh. Probably just the one sexist guy in the department, but it really rubbed me the wrong way and I switched intended majors because of it.), travel agent (after the first semester of my sophomore year in the nuke dept), nuclear safety engineer (got the degree and came back for more in grad school)

4. Did you follow along one of the career paths you considered?
Nope. While I was "finishing my thesis" living in Austin, I took a data management job in pharmaceutical research and absolutely LOVED it.

5. Have you changed careers since then? Was it by choice or necessity?
I became a stay-at-home-mom by choice. Not saying it's for everyone, but for me and my family it was the most important and best choice I ever made. :)


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