Austin Makes CNN

Friday, February 19, 2010

Terrible tragedy yesterday in north Austin, with a loose screw flying a plane into an IRS office building.

Several out-of-town friends messaged me that Austin sure does seem to have more than its share of strange people, therefore I am obligated to point out that this airplane idiot was from California by way of the northeast. Another popular comment- software engineers are an odd lot anyway. Well, that I might agree with. *wink*

Also, a few fine, upstanding people I know and love said they agreed with some of the points in his website diatribe. I hate to agree with any of the rantings of a psychotic, but I do see some of his points as well. However, it does seem to me that he had been trying to avoid paying taxes since he was in his twenties. Pay your taxes, people. None of us gets to pick and choose what they spend our money on. So in the end, it's probably pretty fair. I pay for some of your dumb projects and you pay for some of mine that you think are equally ridiculous.

No one claims the American government is a perfect system, nor is any other on earth. You don't like it? There are countless ways to protest and make changes within the law. Or you could leave.

Let's also note that this nut job made it sound like he was in the poor house, yet he has a pilot's license and an airplane. Please.

I wrote the following yesterday morning, before all the hoo-ha at the Arboretum. Strangely it is related, as I feel the Californian similarly blamed his personal financial problems on everyone but himself...

Oh. My. Gawd. Yet another person declaring herself a victim when she was irresponsible and didn't repay her debts.

"Maybe half of it was my fault because I didn't look at the fine print," Dr. Bisutti says.

HALF?! Well ain't that big of you, Doctor. Take out hundreds of thousands in loans and then fail to pay. Then blame everyone else. It isn't anyone's fault but her own, and I hope she manages to pay that $1000 a month until she's 70. I have not one iota of sympathy for her. Most of us manage to pay our debts completely, and on time. Without a doctor's salary, I might add. And I don't see anyone jumping through hoops trying to reduce what we owe.

This country needs a kick in the pants, teaching some people what responsibility is.

On a happy note, Evan Lysacek won Gold last night in men's figure skating for the first time since Brian Boitano in 1988!! I talked about Brian during one of the performances, when a guy was doing something I thought Brian would do. (What would Brian Boitaaaaaaaano dooooooo? Is Southpark even on anymore? lol) Plushenko has an attitude problem, and although his jumps are fantastic, his skating is uninspired. So... HA. And Johnny Weir was robbed. Just sayin'.

The Friday Five- Clothes!

1. What if your favorite piece of clothing and how does it make you feel?
An amazing pair of dark wash jeans I got at Macy's. Cannot remember the brand to save my life. I wear them with boots and I feel sophisticated and trendy at the same time.

2. What was the most expensive article of clothing you ever bought?
A leather miniskirt I bought in London.

3. What is a current fashion trend you think look horrible?
Jeans and flip-flops.

4. What decade do you think had the best clothes?
I would say the 60s. Cigarette-leg pants, miniskirts, bright colors, go-go boots!

5. If you friends/family could throw away a single piece of your clothing, which do you think it would be and why?
I have one pair of sweatpants. They are enormous and I look awful in them. I only wear them around the house when I'm really cold, but every once in a blue moon I end up wearing them out to HEB or something. I should toss them right now.


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