Saturday, February 27, 2010
Before we go to the daily Olympic Report-- in a political correctness display of epic proportions, local news anchors were stoic last night during a video of drag queens running a relay in high heels for an AIDS benefit in Australia. Awkward. Barely a smile from any of the four of them. Come on! They are wearing spiky heels and running a race! Not even a giggle? Please.
Ohnoooooooooooooooooo!!! Whee! He was robbed on that silver though. Jimmy Fallon is hilarious and adorable (yet sometimes incredibly annoying, how is that?), and I stole my blog post title from him. "Ohno, he di'nt?? Ohno, he DID!" Ahaha.
And how 'bout that USA hockey team?! Gold medal matchup with Canada on Sunday. I can't wait!
The guard website (a section of the band site, but they're calling it a site, so... eh) is up, with minimal content at the moment. Among a gajillion other things, I await photos from a parent. I'll take some pics today, too, so maybe I can just use my own.
Next up, I will be producing the color guard recruitment video!! I am very excited.
In Facebook news... it just isn't working in Firefox since sometime last night. For me, anyway. And in God-forsaken IE, there isn't a functional version of Flash, so I can't just bounce over there and use it either, because Mafia Wars requires it. GRR!!! $%%#*@!!!
Saturday 9: Should I Stay or Should I Go
1. Have you ever been on a date and you had to tell the person to just go away?
I may have needed to, but I wouldn't do that. It's only a few hours. Even my worst date ever, I made it through.
2. Do you wish you were someplace else right now? If yes, where?
No, I'm good here. But if I were to be anywhere else today, it would be Vancouver!
3. Do you have any pet peeves?
arrogance and cronyism... wait, those are my complaints about the governor. People who are always late.
4. Tell us about a guilty pleasure of yours.
I used to say American Idol, but we haven't watched in a couple of weeks. Maybe I'll get back into it. So I will say... red wine and chocolate together. Although, why should one ever feel guilty about that.
5. If you could change places and become a celebrity, who would you'd like to be?
Maybe Gwyneth Paltrow? She seems to have a healthy balance between career and motherhood, and she's married to a guy in a rock band. Very cool. And for being such a skinny girl, she has a great butt.
6. What do you consider your biggest talent?
writing song lyrics
7. Do you have a favorite actor/actress that is not a big star, yet they are your favorite?
Not really. I only like the big stars.
8. Name your five favorite rock bands of all time.
Rock, huh. Let's see... The Police, U2, Bon Jovi, REM, No Doubt
9. If you were to start a new relationship (for whatever reason), how much of your sexual history would you share? Would you resort to lying?
I'd share anything he wants to know. I've never seen the point of lying about that, which probably tells you that I am not an outlier on the average spectrum of sexual histories. Or, at least I don't think I am.
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