Rum Balls

Friday, February 5, 2010

The third graders' bake sale was an enormous success on day 1. They raised $700 for the Red Cross for Haiti relief. Wow! The sale was crazy busy though, prompting Laura to quietly ask a mom, "Do you have any rum balls... hold the balls?"

Amusing on many levels.

She says it wasn't until she told me the story that she realized how it sounded. See what being frazzled can do to a person? Day 2 today!

We have made our anniversary weekend plans! I have so many trips on the calendar now, I can't keep them straight. And the Orlando/Miami/cruise trip in and of itself has so many pieces to it, with hotels everywhere, rental car, plane tix, ship tix, etc, that I have to make sure I've gotten everything reserved AND printed. (We're still looking for a great Miami hotel and I need to get a car.) Y'all know I have each trip's documents in chronological order in their own labeled trip folders. I'm just complaining sayin'.

We also forgot a trip, which is not like me at all. It's Jeff's family reunion in Missouri this summer. Turns out they are having it when we are on our cruise, so we'll miss it. Sad day! :(

We're knocking out the first 2010 trip this weekend. Big family party in Big D for my grandpa's 90th birthday. People coming from all over the country! So fun!

Have a great weekend, all!


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