My Voice is Returning!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
So I can produce a tiny bit of sound now. I'm still resting my voice as much as I can. And the lemon/honey/hot water thing seems to work. Turns out one of my aunts from the Dallas party weekend had viral pneumonia. I'm betting that was where this whole thing started.
Did you ever wonder if we say "wends-day" instead of "wed-nes-day" because someone just misread the word, like all the people who say "per-den-al-es" instead of the correct "ped-er-nal-es" (Pedernales)? Or maybe someone misspelled it and it should be Wendesday? This is the stuff you think about when you have laryngitis and everyone is talking around you, and since you haven't participated in conversation for several days, you start zoning out.
My husband finally got on Yahoo Messenger for the first time in forever! He's been on it now and then at home in the evening when he's on Yahoo Groups, but with his new laptop, he can be on all day from work. He put together a cool avatar and everything. Tres coolio.
Last night on the Olympics, Shaun White told the best story about his gold medal from Torino. He said he and his buddies went out all night and they (not he) wore the medal and the ribbon got really dirty. Shaun showed his mom the next day and asked her if she knew how to clean it. She said she did... and took it to the dry cleaner. With the medal attached! (The thing is shaped like a donut and looks like the ribbon just winds around it.) He said he got the medal back intact, neatly hung on a hanger with the pins and the plastic. SO funny.
I feel like I haven't been to the library in a month. It's been a week and a half. I hope I can remember how to alphabetize. They say it's like riding a bike. Heh.
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