Just Another Manic Monday

Monday, February 8, 2010

The husband says, "Hey! Update your blog! No one knows what you've been doing since 'Rum Balls.'" Heh.

Facebook privacy tip for the new main page: If you want to specify who can see your games and applications on the new dashboards in the left sidebar, there is a new privacy setting at Account>Privacy>Apps & Websites>Activity on Apps and Games Dashboards.

Big family reunion was this weekend in Arlington. Much fun! And some major drama. What's a family reunion without drama, though, right? *shudder* Some people just shouldn't drink and say every thought that forms in their head. And I should know not to accompany that person out to a bar at midnight. Live and learn.

Lauren had a guard competition on Saturday. They had a huge issue with their show flags arriving on Thursday at about twice the weight and different sizes, so different centers of gravity than their practice flags they've been using since December. They were not able to spin them well at all. They practiced Friday and then on Saturday morning before heading to the event. They were promoted last competition from AA Class to A Class, and got 2nd in their new division by 1 point! AMAZING! The 1st place guard came over and congratulated them. So sweet.

The Pretentious Blogging Meme: Part 2

12. How many drafts of potential blog posts do you have right now?

13. In what medium do you draft your posts?
Blogger's online interface (well... plus post-it notes)

14. How often do you completely scratch or delete drafts or blog post ideas?
probably twice a week

15. If you had to leave your blog in your will to another blogger, who would you choose?

16. Are there other blogs that you feel are similar to yours in content, style, or voice?
There are bajillions of personal blogs online. I don't read any regularly. My friends who used to blog have gone all-Facebook. Well, Scotty has an LJ, but he won't share the URL with me. :p

17. Has anything surprised you since you started blogging?
I am surprised how often personal blogs are referenced by official information sources, like television news, internet sites, etc. It's pretty cool though. Instant public opinion at your fingertips.

18. What are your goals or plans for your blog going forward?
My goal is to have something to say most days for the rest of my life.

19. Do you make any money from your blog? (optional) about how much a month?
I do not monetize this blog. I do have Google ads on my website blog. I make less than $5 per month on that. Eh.

20. What blogging system do you use?

21. How did you come up your blog name?
I wanted something to indicate that I was going to be talking about anything and everything on here, and without many filters. I also wanted it to be song lyrics. I'm a big Duranie, and "...talking for free..."  from the song "New Religion" really jumped out as a perfect name. Plus, I'm not paying a dime to host this thing, so I really am talking for free. See? Perfect.

22. How many blogs do you have? What was your peak?
I maintain two blogs. The other is a companion blog for one of my websites. My peak was three at a time- a personal one and two website blogs.

23. Are you having as much fun as when you started?

24. Where do you find other bloggers like you?
I don't. Not that I wouldn't mind stumbling upon some, but I don't seek them out.

25. What’s your one wish when it comes to blogging? 
That people would not arrive here having searched for "anal girl."


scotty,  February 8, 2010 at 12:48 PM  

the reason i don`t share my blog is that there are somethings you can not UN-read!!!!
But...Check out this band...I think you will like them...very Yaz-esque.

have a good day

Kathy February 8, 2010 at 9:36 PM  

LOL. You're right, I don't want to have to unread anything.

Love the song and I listened to some of their others. Very cool!

Anonymous,  February 14, 2010 at 11:22 PM  

Who is Laura?

Kathy February 15, 2010 at 7:51 AM  

Anonymous, wasn't it past your bedtime when you left that comment?

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This is a personal blog with no particular niche, or really any purpose whatsoever. Thanks for reading all the way to the bottom! Stalker...


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