More John Edwards

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I would like to wish a personal congratulations to George Clooney for his Best Actor Oscar nom for Up in the Air. No really, a personal congratulations. Pretty please?

I've been watching the interviews with John Edwards' former aide, Andrew Young, on Good Morning America. Today he and his wife were there, and she answered the question of why she allowed her husband to pretend he was the father of the girlfriend's baby. She said it was because they were depending on that job for income and insurance, and also Edwards had a good shot at the White House at the time.

I'm thinking, how do the Youngs explain that to their children? Good heavens. I cannot imagine a father lying for someone to the extent that his own kids would think he had a baby with a girlfriend. Especially announcing it so very publicly! I know their kids are young, but they would have eventually known, and will now eventually know he lied about it. Bleh.

The Youngs are certainly not blameless. Their covering everything up only allowed poor suckers like me to continue supporting a politician who would have been a disaster as President. I guess Andrew Young thought all these things he wrote about didn't matter.

The worst part? Edwards and his aides purposely planning for him to "come clean" about the baby after he was President and his wife had passed away. Eww. Just hearing that, I feel like I need a shower.

One thing I also don't get. The Youngs have the sex tape of John Edwards and Rielle Hunter in their safe deposit box. For what purpose exactly? If they didn't want to sell it or use it for something, they would have simply destroyed it. Maybe keeping it as evidence? As a threat if someone comes after them?

And I add again, it's not the things Edwards did to his wife that irritate me. I'm certainly not here to judge his marriage. It is using other people to cover up his fathering a child. It's making a sex tape. It's having no respect for the people in his own state. Those things directly impact his ability to serve as leader of the United States.

And I haven't even read the book yet! LOL. I'll have more to say then, I'm sure.


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