Friday Five: Comparisons

Friday, February 26, 2010

Yesterday, Jack introduced me to Redneck Spanglish, an east Texas variation of High School Spanish. LOL. I love it.

While watching Olympic men's freestyle aerials last night, we had some suggestions for rules changes, one of them being starting waaaaaaay up the hill. They start halfway down! Just imagine the Hurricane Peterson could have done if he started at the top of something like the ski jumping large hill. And I think, instead of a deduction, they should get a bonus for a wheelie.

Another NBC Olympic quote-- "Germans don't do well in poor weather conditions."

More men's hockey this afternoon!

Friday Five

1. What’s something you do more quickly than most people?
I am really fast at learning just about anything.

2. What’s something you do more carelessly than most people?
I'm not big into dressing for bad weather. Sometimes I don't put on my jacket when it's really cold, or I walk through the rain without an umbrella or even pulling up the hood of my coat. I've gone out to the (detached) garage countless times without shoes in the freezing cold. Unless I'm going to a football game or something for an extended period of time, I just suck it up.

3. What’s something you do more slowly than most people?
Read a fiction book. I haven't read a book in one or two sittings since high school. Most of the time, I eventually forget what I last read because it's been so long, and I stop reading the book.

4. What’s something you do more carefully than most people?
Keep and check credit card receipts.

5. In what contexts are you more patient than most people?
I'm exceptionally patient with children. I actually tend to be impatient with most everything else. :)


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