Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy Cotton Bowl Day! Whoop! I can't wait to get to work in my A&M-wear. (There are only two Aggies there, including me, amongst a burnt orange sea of T-sips.) Going to KathyL's tonight to watch the game with her family, who are coming up from Houston.

Last night, we (and by "we" I mean Lauren and I, as Jeff was at a rocketry thinger and not around to be the voice of reason) briefly thought about going to Yell Practice. But, nah. It wasn't the drive up to Ft. Worth that was daunting, but rather the drive home at 1 a.m.

Plus, the daughter thought we were talking about driving to College Station. Eh. What's another hour and a half (each way)? Two-percenter. ;)

Friday Five

1. What is the one place you never want to live?

2. Do you consider yourself to be a "picky eater"?
No. While there are a few disgusting foods like oatmeal (*gag*) on the list of foods I never eat, I am open to trying new things and I eat a variety of foods.

3. What do you think people say about you behind your back?
I don't even want to know. Probably that I should stop blogging about them. Which reminds me of a great story about Sharon and her involvement with the filming of "Dazed and Confused"... Hee...

4. If you could own and operate any major business what would be?
A concert venue, like The Backyard. How awesome would that be?!

5. Do you feel as if you are a black-and-white only person, or a person who sees many gray areas? That is to say, do you have strong opinions on everything, or do you recognize the need to compromise?
I see gray areas for most things. There are a few topics where I'm not convinced of any redeeming value of the opposing view, but typically I see both sides.


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