Exercise TV On Demand
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Exercise TV is another cable station like FitTV, which I've used for my workouts for several years. Unlike FitTV, Exercise TV is also available on demand, so I don't have to DVR everything and deal with deleting and rotating shows, etc.
They have everything, from ten-minute body sculpting or energizing cardio to hour-long full workouts like kickboxing, step, dance, yoga, etc. The shows do have advertising, but it is all shown at the beginning and as text on the bottom of the screen through the workout, rather than having standard commercials. I like that format a lot! It is less obstrusive and you don't have to figure out something to do to keep your heart rate up while the commercials are on.
This morning I did Billy Blanks Jr.'s Cardioke. (Don't worry, Dr. G. I didn't do any jumping or vigorous movements.) Yeah, I laughed too, when I saw "Cardioke" listed. It's a half-hour aerobic hip-hop workout with singing. It's very cheesy, but it's a lot of fun. It doesn't take itself seriously, except for the cooldown portion, which is very "kumbaya." ...Not that there's anything wrong with that.
The episode I saw was very simple steps, but easy to adjust for any fitness level.
Sing-along means there are songs you actually KNOW in the routine, not that canned exercise music that you get sick of.
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