Navy Hullabaloo
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
For those who have been asking... My New Year's Resolution is 1280x1024.
I have to admit, I haven't had time to do an in-depth study of the details of this navy video scandal. From what I've seen though, I don't get all the hoo-ha. It's THE NAVY, not Mr. Honors' sixth grade PE class. Those men joke around about that stuff day in and day out. It's raunchy humor central. On the news, they showed some clips, to illustrate how offensive they were. I was cracking up. (Most of you are not surprised.)
It seems the people serving under him love him, and he's been a model officer. These vids were never intended to be seen by the public. They were made for the enjoyment of the men on that ship. Consider the audience when you're watching them. There has been plenty a skit and video, in places like your public schools (gasp!), as well as corporations and institutions all over this country, that are strictly meant for the entertainment of people in that group, that would perhaps shock, disappoint or offend people outside that audience.
Not to mention, you've probably seen worse on Family Guy or Southpark.
And who is behind this witch hunt anyway? I hope none of those people has ever told a dirty joke.
I do understand why some feel this compromises his ability to lead, casts the Navy in a bad light and/or is "unprofessional." I think people need to relax and stop getting their knickers in a twist at every little thing. Pick your battles. Are there bigger affronts out there, that are actually harming people? Definitely. Let's get our blood pressure up for things like that, and just shake our heads at this and move on.
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