Walking In
Friday, January 21, 2011
Oops. Looks like this never got posted yesterday! I blame the inventory scanner beeps beep-beeping in my head from three days and counting of library inventory. Only the professional library remains to be inventoried today. Whee!
........ Thursday, Jan 20, 2011.................
OK, I loathe Sarah Palin as much as the next person, but blaming her for the Arizona shooting is quite a stretch. A deranged person committed a dreadful and horrifying act. To randomly place blame on someone in politics is to promote fanatical partisanship and plain old hate. Step back and take a breath before making it into something it isn't, for the single purpose of furthering your own political agenda.
On a lighter note... Modern Family was pretty funny last night. Claire and Phil's kids walked in on them having sex. *cringe* I am one of those people who had the unfortunate experience of "walking in on" my parents, when I was 14. Does that image stay with you forever or WHAT? *quadruple cringe with a bonus "threw up a little in my mouth"* Luckily they have no idea to this day, and I'll keep that secret to my grave thankyouverymuch.
As the kids discussed with each other on the show- better to know they're happy together and having sex, rather than unhappy and not having sex and getting a divorce. Err, well... not sure what happened there in my parents' case. Ahaha.
Later in the episode, the kids didn't even want to see Phil and Claire kissing. Reminded me of when Lauren made Jeff a Fathers' Day card when she was 3. I had written down what she told me to write inside. Under 'Things I Like About My Daddy,' it included the very sweet sentiment, "I like when Daddy kisses Mommy." Aww. Last summer, she had an abrupt change of heart, when she became disgusted by anything resembling PDA around here. I understand her being grossed out by kissing or extended, extra-curricular hugging, etc., but Jeff had his hand on my leg one night while we were watching TV and she came unglued. "Eww! I don't want to see that!" I reminded her of her Fathers' Day card from long ago. That grossed her out even more. Mission accomplished.
And for today- The Friday Five
1. There are superheroes named Superman, Superfly, and Supergirl. Based on your performance this past week in whatever you do, what would have been your Super_____ name?
2. This week, what has been superterrific and what has been superlame?
Superterrific- seeing Al Jarreau
Superlame- waiting in the doctor's office 1.5 HOURS past Lauren's appointment time to see the doc. One of my pet peeves.
3. Which of Superman’s abilities would have been the most useful this week?
Hmm. I can always use x-ray vision. (Does Superman have xray vision?)
4. What do you most expect will be super this weekend?
seeing Cathylicious and also catching the big fireworks show Stu is helping out with
5. What are your thoughts this week about the coming Super Bowl?
I thought it would be cool to go, since it's in Dallas this year, but I haven't been that into pro football this season and the Super Bowl is really expensive for what would really be just a "cool factor" thing. I'd like to see Mark Sanchez the Jets there though.
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