Saturday 9

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Saturday 9: What a Fool Believes

1. What celebrity do you think is the MOST foolish?
Lindsay Lohan

2. What are 5 things you don't care about?
designer purses, greeting cards that are just signed without a handwritten note, your Farmville farm, Twilight, South Dakota

3. What 'issue' do you think your opinion is so right about that you end up trying to sway others to your point of view?
That half-empty schools should be merged and closed.

4. What personality do you like to listen to on the radio?
Jason and Deb on 101X. Funny thing about Deb is that she was on my pop station with JB and Sandy a few years ago, and I didn't like her there at all. Maybe because she was too big a personality to be the fifth wheel in that group. I'm not sure. I love her on 101!

5. What culture are you fascinated by?
I am fascinated by traditional cultures like the Himba tribe in Namibia. I'm very curious about their day-to-day lifestyle and also how they avoid becoming "modernized."

6. You are alone with your lover's diary. What do you do?
Nothing. I remember what it felt like to have my diary read. It's traumatizing, feeling like you've been violated, wondering what someone, especially someone you care about, read in such a vast personal collection of your spontaneous, unedited thoughts. I would definitely ask if there is anything he wants to read to me from it though. :)

7. What frustrates you?
Politics. I'm a long way from the wide-eyed, super-enthusiastic Reagan campaign volunteer I was in 1984, before I could even vote. (My poor mom... staunch Democrat. She probably felt I may as well have joined a cult.) Now I think the whole bunch of them are in it for the power and perks, with little concern for what is best for the people of their city/state/country. The very, very simple answer is term limits, but it will never happen.

8. Do you remember the first time you were on the internet? What did you do first?
I went to a search engine and started searching random things. I clicked links from here to there to there for hours until I ended up on the most random site ever, about people who have "relations" with dolphins. No lie. I was completely horrified. When I told Laura the story, she was most disturbed because she assumed it was taking place via the blow hole. She's that girl who takes freakiness to a whole other level. ;)

9. What was the biggest fight you have ever had with someone?
I won't get into the details here, but Jeff and I had the absolute worst one ever about 10-11 years ago-- one of those that went on and on at an intense level for what seemed like forever, with neither person backing down. It is a pretty vivid memory, even today.


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