Good Day for the Job Search

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Aggies WIN! Whoop! The boys looked amazing last night. Just... YAY! So proud.

Guess what! A job has opened up in my field of academic study, in Austin, where there are perhaps five positions altogether in the biz. I'm trying not to get too excited about it, since it's been a while *cough* since I graduated. Plus, for all I know, it's one of those jobs they have to post, even though they already have someone lined up to take it. Still.

It was quite serendipitous that I even saw it at all. I had searched only a few times for jobs in my degree field, knowing I wouldn't find anything local, especially something that didn't require twenty years of experience, and I hadn't. Yesterday, I did one of my daily searches for my old job keywords and this completely unrelated opening popped up. It was practically jumping off the screen. Turns out, it just happened to have both the keywords within its job description. Thank you, imperfect job search engine, for always giving me off-the-wall jobs I never ask for. Finally something great showed up!

I've applied online already and now I'm calling all my old school buddies to see if they happen to know anyone there I could talk to in person. The position is almost entry-level, which is where I would need to get in. My grad school hours will cover part of the limited experience requirement.

Cross your fingers and toes, folks. I'll very gratefully accept your prayers, positive vibes, lucky shamrocks, whatever you're into. Thanks!

Saturday 9: Somewhere Over the Rainbow

1) Do you ever fantasize about flying, beyond the rainbow or anywhere else?
The only fantasies I have that involve flying, I can't discuss here.

2) Do you think you have seen The Wizard of Oz more than 10 times?

3) Which Wizard of Oz character would you most like to dress as for Halloween?
Glinda the Good Witch. She's very sparkly.

4) What will Trick or Treaters get when they come to your front door?
Airheads this year. I have tired of persistent teenagers making return visits for good chocolate.

5) Did you ever TP a neighbor's house or indulge in other acts of Halloween vandalism as a kid? (Don't worry, that statute of limitations is up.)
We were too busy trick-or-treating and overindulging on Halloween candy when I was a kid to take the time to trick anyone.

6) Who annoys you more -- people who never respond to your texts/emails, or those who never look up because they're always checking their texts/emails?
people who are always checking them

7) Who was the last person you hugged?

8) What two colors do you like to wear together?
dark blue and bright red

9) Did your alarm clock wake you up this fine Saturday morning? 
Nope, it was a casual Saturday this weekend. No early waking necessary.


Anonymous,  November 5, 2012 at 9:53 AM  

Any updates on your application? I hope that you get this job! It seems that this job is the one closest to your degree. Well, it wouldn’t hurt to make a follow-up. Making a call or sending an e-mail to inquire whether they received your application can be a good thing. It shows how much interested you are for the position, and you will know the status of your application.

Rupert Echard

Kathy November 6, 2012 at 10:25 AM  

Thanks! Great site, btw!

I have followed up and they've received my app. Crossing my fingers.

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