On the Road Again...
Friday, October 12, 2012
JeffC is going with us to College Station today.
Jeff. C.
Never thought we'd see him in Bryanopolis, but it is happening.
I wonder if we could get him to go to the Chicken. That's probably pushing it.
Patrick's Saturday Six
1. E is for E.S.P.: Which mental superpower would you rather have: the ability to read minds, the ability to change matter or the ability to transport yourself from one place to another?
I would definitely love to be able to mentally transport myself from one place to another. I could see my favorite musicians in concert out-of-town, even overseas. I could sit in with the UN or other high-level political meetings. I could go to all the Aggie away games!
2. E is for EARTH: How much do you recycle to save the planet in a typical week?
About 2 trashcans. We hardly ever drink out of cans or bottles. We don't eat many canned things either. Also, if it's going to take too much time to do the required prep work on items for the recycle bin, I don't do it. For instance, I won't waste a bunch of water washing out a sticky jar or can to toss it into the recycling; however, I will rinse out a pickle jar.
3. E is for EAST: What’s the farthest East you’ve traveled in the United States?
Bar Harbor, Maine
4. E is for ELLIPSIS: What kind of punctuation, other than the period or comma, do you use most often?
!! Exclamation points!!
5. E is for ELLIPTICAL: What is your favorite exercise in a gym?
Cardio kickboxing. Laura is supposed to make me go to take me to try Zumba at Lifetime any day now.
6. E is for EMPTY: Most often, do you consider the glass half-empty or half-full?
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