Zumbariffic Friday

Friday, October 26, 2012

I've lined up three absolutely fabulous references for my job search. They were all so sweet with their enthusiastic responses! That really made my day yesterday.

Now if the right job could just open up, that would rock.

I also started doing Zumba yesterday. They say it can be hard at the gym, because the dance steps are very fast and there isn't a beginner class. I decided to get one of their DVD sets (the Exhilarate Body Shaping System) first. So far, I've done the "learning the steps" DVD. It was a workout of its own. Fun fun fun though!

If a job opportunity doesn't come along soon, I could always start a Zumba prostitution ring. *gigglesnort*

Patrick's Saturday Six: F & G

What. I missed a couple.

1. F is for FACE: Which part of your face would you most like to change if you had the money to do so?
I would get a brow lift with a hairline incision to reduce my giant forehead. Until then, it's bangs for me.

2. F is for FAST: What’s the fastest speed you’ve ever traveled in a car?
85mph on Hwy 6 between College Station and Houston

3. F is for FEAR: What single thing are you most afraid of?
The same thing that everyone is most afraid of- my car plunging into a body of water with me in it. Am I right, folks?

4. F is for FORK: In a Chinese or Japanese restaurant, do you prefer chopsticks or a real fork?
I get a fork in a Chinese restaurant, but I use chopsticks at Japanese places. Japanese food is chunkier I guess. Or maybe there is more peer pressure at a Japanese restaurant. I'll have to think on that.

5. F is for FOWL: What is your favorite piece of chicken?

6. F is for FRUIT: If you could only have one kind of fruit for the rest of your life, which fruit would you choose?
Easy! Watermelon.

1. G is for GAME: Which game were you best at playing when you were a child?

2. G is for GHOST: Do you believe that ghosts exist, whether you’ve seen one or not?
I don't believe in ghosts, even though I thought I saw one. I saw a ghostly apparition of a person in running clothes run through my living room, when I was alone one afternoon. I was maybe 17, and I called my mom, crying. I was terrified. I think I was just dehydrated or something.

3. G is for GLOBE: What country anywhere around the globe would you most like to visit?

4. G is for GRILL: What’s your favorite food to have grilled outdoors?
rib-eye steak

5. G is for GRITS: Have you ever eaten grits, and if so, do you like them?
I hate grits with a passion. *shudder* Whatever they are, they look like someone already ate them.

6. G is for GUM: Which brand is your favorite chewing or bubble gum?
Stride Spearmint


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