Foundation FY2012

Friday, January 20, 2012

This week, the Foundation staff have begun submitting major annual updates for the website for the new fiscal year. Technically, the fiscal year began Sept 1, but "nonprofit time" is sometimes similar to the typically slow-as-Christmas "hospital time," so here we are.

This yearly task involves more than a wee bit of effort and patience with the Content Management System we have to use. Did I mention I loathe the limitations and inelegance of CMSs, as well as the audaciousness of the interface to so erroneously tout itself as WYSIWYG? (I may have also whined about it here and here... and here's the most positive comment I've ever made about the gosh darn thing.) I run my other two websites very smoothly, with infinite design freedom and quite impressive efficiency using Dreamweaver thankyouverymuch.


Speaking of hospital time, Jeff's aunt and my dad were both released from their hospitals yesterday. My dad is recovering nicely and taking lots of Percocet, which should be entertaining for Ursula. Dad and she are heading home from Rochester today, now that the weather is less wintery. Jeff's aunt Kathryn also had cancer surgery. She will be in a rehab center in Boston for a while.

We're visiting both of them this summer, when we head to the Cape Cod area for Jeff's family reunion, with a side trip to Binghamton- maybe on a train. Train from Boston to Binghamton, that is. Not from Austin to Boston. Just... no. I took a bus from College Station to Austin once. With stops in every teensy berg along the way, the two-hour drive took about six days. Lovely trip though.

Alright, I'm off to check out what my Facebook friends and the rest of the world are posting on Pinterest. Happy Friday, y'all!


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