
Friday, January 29, 2010

I did updates to the Foundation site all day yesterday. We are in major event mode for two events. Crazy! Unfortunately, Wordpress (which they use for templates on the new site) is quite inflexible, and thinks it knows HTML better than I, so it keeps replacing my code with its own. It is darn near impossible to design under those conditions. Gah.

In other news... I used to be a John Edwards fan, all the way into the last presidential campaign. Turns out he's a skeevy, arrogant butthead with an extreme lack of judgement. Not things I want in a president. Thank goodness he didn't end up there. All the gory details are in Andrew Young's new book, The Politician: An Insider's Account of John Edwards's Pursuit of the Presidency and the Scandal That Brought Him Down.

He cheated on his wife. It happens. And she was ill, which makes it a bit more slimy. But making a sex tape with your pregnant girlfriend a month before hitting the campaign trail? Utter foolishness. And the derogatory comments he made about his own constituents make me sick. Those were his supporters whom he called "fat rednecks." Well, aren't we high and mighty.

I really want to read that book. Or maybe I shouldn't, because I already feel like I fell for his BS, and it will probably tick me off even more. Grr. Pathetic!

Game night tonight. Scott was going to just make dessert, which was a relief for me, because he and Bruce always make gourmet dinners on each of their months and then I always have to step it up and figure out something great for the third month. But nooooo! Scott called yesterday to say he's serving dinner, too. Yay and ack! I'm next. Anyone have a fabulous recipe they wanna share? :)

Friday Five: Hoops

1. When did you last feel you were required to jump through meaningless hoops to get something you wanted?
Getting Lauren's driver's license. What a nightmare.

2. What kinds of hula hoop memories do you have?
Lori and I hula hooped ALL the time in 3rd and 4th grade. We also used to skip through it, like a jump rope ya' know? Then you would inevitably step on it and get a kink in it. Suckage!

3. How do you feel about basketball?
It's not my favorite sport, because the scores usually bounce back and forth and the only exciting part is the last three minutes.

4. What do you think of hoop earrings?
I don't own any. I think they're outdated. They still sell them though!

5. What’s your favorite Whoopi Goldberg movie?



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