Summer Travel

Monday, January 25, 2010

We are now booked on our Eastern Caribbean cruise! Jim and Jaxon are also booked. Invites are still open. Talk to me if you aren't sure. I guarantee I can persuade you. Great cabins still available!

And... Angel and I are spending a few days in Orlando! Squeeeeeeee! Can't wait to see her.

All that remains to be finalized is the resort weekend for our big 2-0 anniversary. Must check with the in-laws on dates, so Lauren can stay with them.

Laura read a fiction book that took place during the Holocaust. It wasn't set in Germany though, but rather in France, where they were also rounding up Jews. We were talking about how we always think of only Germany when we think of the Holocaust, and I joked (we joke about all sorts of unspeakable atrocities and tragedies, because we're just sick we just see the humor in things) that it was all in how the media was spinning it at the time. She said, "So maybe if Hitler had just had a better PR guy, this whole Holocaust thing could have been associated with France."

I can't even type what I said next, but it involved Tiger Woods.

This is how our conversations go sometimes. A rapid spiral into the pit of political incorrectness. Ohhhhhh the stories I could tell. (No worries, L. I won't mention the infamous "dance.")


Anonymous,  January 25, 2010 at 9:14 PM  

Man, you and your friend Laura are just sick. Heehee

Alltime favorite quote "you can wear those, they are perfectly safe. I have been wearing the for years and look at me."

Kathy January 25, 2010 at 9:32 PM  



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