She Walked in Through the Out Door
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Bob Schneider is still updating his Facebook a lot, which is very cool. He sometimes uses song lyrics as his status, and I think it shows people's ages when some recognize it and others don't. He uses a lot of Prince lyrics, so it works for me.
Patrick's Saturday Six
1. You’re at an Italian restaurant on a first date: how do you eat your spaghetti: do you cut it with the fork or roll it onto the tines? (And eating something else isn’t an option!)
I would never order spaghetti on a first date. But if I had to, I would roll it. If my date cut his spaghetti with a fork, I would wonder about him.
2. You’ve prepared a nice soup for dinner when you happen to hear a news story that bay leaves, even after being cooked, are sharp enough to tear internal organs when eaten whole. (It’s true.) Do you fish them out of your masterpiece, warn your guests in advance not to eat them, or just assume everyone knows to not eat the extra greenery?
I always remove the bay leaves, even though I didn't know they could cause serious bodily injury.
3. You’re having dinner at a nice restaurant with a group of friends and acquaintances. The sauce of your main course is the best you’ve ever tasted. You’ve eaten most of the dish, but you’ve got part of a roll and some sauce left. Do you sop up a little sauce for one more taste?
Nice restaurant? No way.
4. This time, you’re at a seafood restaurant with folks you don’t know as well. Do you order a crab or lobster, a dish that would involve a lot of shell-cracking and a potential minor mess, or do you stick with something cleaner like a nice grilled fillet?
I would not be the only person to order crab or lobster. If others were, I would.
5. You’re invited to a cookout by a friend, but when you get there, you discover that the main thing being cooked, that everyone else is a big fan of, is something you don’t like. Would you still eat a serving to be neighborly, or try to talk your way out of that one dish?
This has happened to me before. I would eat a serving. I don't think there is a subtle method to talk your way out of the main dish. Jeff won't eat it, so please don't serve him anything with goat cheese. Just saying.
6. You’re back at a seafood restaurant with friends. Unknowingly, you order a fish that is served whole, head and all. Do you send it back or just deal with it?
This has happened to me as well. I just deal with it.
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