Saturday Nine

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Yahoo Mail has been holding some of my emails for a couple of days, and just dumped them on me in the middle of the night. Interesting. For what I'm paying, I should expect that.

From a fictional exchange between Apple Board members, over at The Inquirer, particularly entertaining because I am always impressed and amazed by Apple's marketing---

Steve Jobs: ...And I will call it an 'iPad' which is what users will need after having their eyes gouged out by our expert marketing...

:) Apple and Disney could both sell anything to anyone.

Saturday 9: Everybody is a Star

1. Did you ever think that you'd be a star? If yes, doing what?
Yes, when I was 8 or 9 I thought I might be a Broadway singing sensation.

2. Tell us about the last time you had a romantic dinner.
We had a really nice dinner at the Hyatt downtown on the lake a few months ago. That's where our wedding reception was, so it's always fun. Gorgeous view.

3. Tell us about your worst job interview.
The only interview I've had where I didn't get the job was when I was 16, applying at Dairy Queen. It was short and sweet, and the manager basically told me on the spot that she didn't think I would be willing to work every Friday and Saturday night. She was probably right.

4. Tell us about your stupidest date.
"Date"- the evening or the person? It has to be the evening with a customer I met at Gallagher's. I was 17. We went to the mall and he gave me a ginormous, obnoxious pink stuffed cat...-ish thing. We walked around for a while and that was it.

5. How much in common do you think you should have with a romantic partner?
I think you should have a good deal of the basics in common (similar sense of humor, similar general desires in life), rather than specifics like golf or country music. The specifics can be shared with each other more easily than the biggies. It's nice to have a few specific interests the same.  

6. Tell us about a favorite meme that you loved but no longer posts.
My faves all still post. Originally we just religiously did the Friday Five on our message board, even before we all joined LiveJournal.

7. How did you get into blogging?
The fansite girls got into LJ back in the day, and dragged me kicking and screaming. Eventually I realized I really enjoy the writing and memory-keeping. I had three LJs before moving here to Blogger.

8. Do you share all your fantasies with a significant other?
Some, sure! All? Hellz to the no. And I don't wanna hear all his either.

9. What change in your life would you like to happen this year?
I am pretty happy with where things are for the moment.


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