Blog Stats 2009

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Resuming workouts after being sick really bites. Holy muscle-soreness, Batman.

And now... my 2009 blog statistics! I know some of you come in through the back door and avoid the Google Analytics script. *arches eyebrow* You know how I feel about the back door, but if you must... then fine. Is the law after you or something?

Top Talking For Free Blog Traffic Sources: The vast majority of visitors, 61.9%, arrived directly either through a bookmark or by typing the URL. That is pretty good, because I publicize this blog to only very carefully selected people. If you are one of them, please consider yourself special. Next was random Google searches, accounting for 23.9% of visits. 10% came from Blogger via that "show me another random blog" link or Blogger search. About 2% were from emailed links. (Mmmmmmkaaaay.)

Most interesting website referring people to my blog in '09--- (and he really does rock!)

Most Popular Search Keywords Bringing Visitors:
1. terms including the word "webcam." I have no idea what that's about. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
2. variations of "in high school they called me anal girl."  Very misleading again. This is a quote from the very awesome movie 500 Days of Summer. Don't get excited, Back Door People. I've got my eye on you.
3. terms involving "Facebook" and/or "Mafia Wars." OK, that, I get.

Most interesting search keywords--- "don't marry a german they have monkey feet" (from an episode of Scrubs)

Most Popular Individual Posts: 
1. Webcam Ahoy I promise you there is nothing to see here. Many disappointed visitors to that one, I'm sure.
2. A very old post about a credit card issue I had which started attracting spammers commenting with male enhancement links every day so I deleted it. :)
3. In High School They Called Me Anal Girl Okay, they did. Happy, back door bunch? Get off my back. (Why yes, I am on a roll!)

Most interesting popular post--- Tattoos- Not Just for Whores and Sailors

Countries Sending the Most Visits:
2. Mexico
3. Netherlands. Seriously? *waves*

Most interesting country--- Mauritius. Evidently a beautiful island in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Africa. The only known home of the extinct Dodo bird.

Cities with the Most Visits:
1. Austin
2. Houston
3. Jacksonville, FL

Most interesting city: Fargo, ND. Someone from there read my oh so insightful post on Message Board Drama.

Only 38% of my visitors are using IE, which pleases me immensely. Rock on, my Firefoxy web friends. My guess is 100% of my back door buddies are using Firefox as well. BUT... I'll never know now, will I.

Oh, I can run with this all week.

Have yourselves a great Saturday!! I finally get to see Clooney's film today at the Drafthouse with K.


scotty,  January 9, 2010 at 1:41 PM  

i am surprised that mexico isn`t number many times as I read your blog....especially the days when you do not update it until the afternoon. I always get nervous when I have my second cup of coffee and your page has not yet been updated.No telling how many times I click......

Kathy January 10, 2010 at 12:08 AM  

Mexico in the hacienda! Wooo!

Angel January 17, 2010 at 10:43 AM  

Yay, I made the list! Yahooooooo!!! See, I check in...even if I don't post anything. I like to know what is going on in my girl's life. :)

Now, I don't know nuttin' bout no back door stuff. Sounds dirty, so I like it, but I'm not sure if I'm doing it. LOL

This is how I get here...I type "T" in the address bar thingy and, BOOM, there you are. Now, I won't lie, there are times when I accidentally click on your page when I was trying to get somewhere else. But, I always usually come back to read, at least every few days. :)
And I am using Firefox.

Kathy January 17, 2010 at 2:13 PM  

"Sounds dirty, so I like it, but I'm not sure if I'm doing it." LMFAO

Rumor has it, you would never. ;)

Well yay! Glad to know you're around. Lurking. You lurker!

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This is a personal blog with no particular niche, or really any purpose whatsoever. Thanks for reading all the way to the bottom! Stalker...


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