Thursday, October 9, 2008
I have been accused of taking Laura's story and posting it as my own. So, I hereby announce that Laura told me about the AC360 exchange between Jeffrey "Hot Stuff" Toobin and Anderson "I Won't Do that Ass Exercise on Regis and Kelly" Cooper. Since I introduced her to the hotness that is AC, she has watched his show religiously, and I do not. Matter-of-fact, her love for him has surpassed my own, and evolved into serious discussion of road trips when he is in Crawford. Me? I'd rather drive to the coast in a hurricane when he's got that wet CNN baseball cap on...
...Um... What was I talking about?...
Yeah, so despite the fact that it took me ten minutes to locate that video on youtube because of its obscure keywords, and that I spent another ten minutes dorking around on Anderson's blog because he had still photos of Jeff's screen and then I got distracted, let it be known that it was Laura, and not I, who saw the original phone call as it was happening.
Laura: 1
Kathy: 0
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