
Friday, October 3, 2008

I'm glad to hear everyone thought of me when Palin started saying "nuke-u-lar." And no, I cannot continue hearing that on my evening news for the next four years. So please, if McCain wins, someone up there tell her how to say it correctly. I. Beseech. You.

My big comment this week was that I wondered what would happen at the debate if Sarah Palin started crying. I wasn't making a joke. I seriously think that was a risk, considering her nervous performance in the Couric interview. Who knew BIDEN would be the one to cry? ;) Unfortunately, while I have great sympathy for his loss, that moment also served to remind me of his egregious lie over the last few decades that his wife and child were "killed by a drunk driver." Don't get me started on what I think about that.

Sarah Palin avoided questions early on (hello- "mortgage crisis" does not mean "energy"), but was finally answering later. Her biggest mistake was that when she turned to her talking points, she always used the same verbiage. Biden is experienced enough to repeat talking points using different phrases that you might not recognize as being the same as what you just heard. She also drifted occasionally into that Palin-speak where she strings random political words into long, nonsensical sentences when she doesn't have a clue.

Two things I learned about Obama/Biden:
1) they are against gay marriage- WHAT?! Wow. I had no idea. That's neither Democratic nor progressive.
2) they support reducing principal on loans for people who aren't paying- Oh heck no. I can get behind refinancing for those people to a lower interest rate. But paying off part of their loan? That is completely unreasonable. If they do that, they had better pay off twice as much on the loans of people who successfully manage their debt.

Two things I learned about Governor Palin:
1) When she's trying to appeal to the American People, all her -ing words end in -in'.
2) She considers her family to be middle-class. Hmm.


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