Carbon Footprint and Powers of Persuasion

Friday, October 31, 2008

L had to calculate our carbon footprint for homework. Ours is 52 tons. That's good compared to the national average for a 3-person household -- 80 tons. Not so good compared to the world average of 17 tons.

Despite Jeff trying to convince his brother that Facebook is a waste of time, and trying to convince me that Steven would never join, I convinced Steven to join. Go me!!

The radio station is doing a thing where they'll donate $10,000 to the charity of the biggest celebrity someone can convince to do an interview with the show. They talked about Jenny McCarthy and some NASCAR guy, but I think I will use my previously described powers of persuasion and go straight for George Clooney. It's all for the charity, of course.

Happy happy Halloweeeeeeeeen! And remember... demons are a ghoul's best friend. :D


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