Bunco Saturday

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Bunco at my place tonight!

I was just thinking about the old fansite chicas, and guess who I talked to yesterday. Eva!! She hasn't made the jump to Facebook or Blogger, so... now I am on LiveJournal again. Oddly enough, my last profile icon at LJ was one from The Office, which still works for today.

I won't actually be posting in my old LJ, just dorking around with a few LJ friends. And waiting for Scotty to "drink and IM" and divulge his secret LJ identity to me. To that end, I hereby dub this Tequila Weekend...

Saturday 9: Settling the Score

1. Do you feel that you have “a score to settle” with anyone?
No, thank goodness. What a bummer that would be.

2. Do you own anything that you think is unbreakable?
Everything is breakable.

3. Tell us about a crazy thing you did in high school.
Played Magenta in a Rocky Horror Picture Show live cast.

4. Name the one talent of yours that you think is the best.

5. Who wins American Idol? (if you don’t watch, tell us about a reality show that you do follow.)
Adam. Kris has a chance, if he keeps stepping up his game.

6. What is your favorite movie in black & white?
Young Frankenstein

7. What is one thing advertised too much on TV?
Anything where Billy Mays is doing the talking.

8. What is your current favorite TV drama?

9. What is your current favorite TV comedy?
The Office!


scotty,  May 3, 2009 at 4:35 PM  

for ol`times sake!!!

- no
- no
- tried to change the date on my learners permit so that I could see Porky`s
- play clarinet
- the rocker chic
- so many...zelig, psycho, sunset boulevard, manchurian candidate, hush hush sweet charlotte, who`s afraid of virginia wolfe...and of course...eraserhead.
- all those medicine commercials...like propecia and cialis...and zoloft
- damages
- two and a half men

Kathy May 3, 2009 at 7:07 PM  

Ahhhh- medicine commercials! I hate hate hate those.

lol @Porky's.

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