Happy World Cup Day!
Friday, June 11, 2010
I'm not so into the world of professional soccer, although I do love watching a game. I've been to an Aztex game. My dad is into it, and several other people I know. So to those who love it, enjoy!! I'll be watching for results and cheering the US team from under the bleachers.
The Mafia Wars Helper is an awesome site for MW players. I use it mostly for the analysis of my attack and defense to maximize and plan my acquisition of new items. Jeff and I have an ongoing thing about whether Tomi Crnicki, who runs the site, is a girl or a guy. I keep saying "she" when I talk about her, and he keeps saying "It's a guy!"
"T-o-m-i? It's so a girl."
"If it were an English name, I'd say it was a girl, but it's a guy."
LOL. Since it's MW, it probably is a guy. Until I hear different, I get a kick out of thinking it's a techie chick. Yay Tomi! (Add me! *g*)
Friday Five
1. What are your thoughts on “air quotes?”
I think they are hilarious. Yep, I use them.
2. If you are the sort to flip someone the bird, what were the circumstances surrounding your most recent flip? If you’re not that type, have you ever, ever used that gesture?
I flip the bird on extremely rare occasions- always as a joke to a friend who is giving me a hard time about something. With people who have actually pissed me off, I want to do it, but I think it's a very uncultured thing to do, and makes you look like an idiot.
3. What’s a gesture you’ve made up, or what’s a gesture made up by (and shared with) your friends or family?
When someone uses the expression so-and-so is "having a moment," Lauren or I will close our eyes and open our mouth and roll our head around in a slow circle. Jeff was doing that in the car on a trip once, and we both saw him and were all "What the heck is wrong with you?" He said his neck was hurting. I said, "Oh I thought you were having a moment."
You have to see it.
4. Are there any gestures that have specific, unique meanings in your workplace?
At the elementary school library, we do "wide eyes" at each other when kids are doing or saying something questionable, like giving a really lame excuse for why they lost their book. As in, are you seeing/hearing this one?
5. Have you ever received an anonymous gesture of kindness or affection?
When one of my high school boyfriends and I were having a special dinner at a fairly fancy restaurant one night, an older couple paid our whole tab, because they thought we were so cute together. So sweet!
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