News Commentary Day

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Peruvian justice system managed to do in a few days what Aruba's couldn't manage in years- lock down a Van der Sloot confession. I am glad to see him paraded out in a bulletproof jacket, quaking in his boots. The Dutch government is ticked that they are displaying him like that? Please. He's a (likely two-time) murderer and an extortionist, who won't tell the Holloways where their daughter's body is without a payoff. His privileged life, which once protected him from the law, is gone. I'm hoping it was his conscience and not just the police that convinced him to confess to murdering Stephany Flores.

For the Super Mario fans-- BP Kills Mario. Very creative. Too bad BP is not as creative with the leak fixes.

I see several articles about gas stations covering up their BP signage, because they are losing customers. They are saying that they no longer get their supplies from BP. For many, that may be true, but how do we know for sure? I would wait to see another company's sign there.

Other articles claim no one is hurting BP by boycotting gas stations that sell their gas, because the unrealized profit is just a drop in the bucket for them, and it's really just killing the gas station owners. Well, people do what they can, and if it can only make a tiny dent in BP's bottom line, then so be it. It's the principle. And so many are defending BP by saying this whole catastrophe was an accident and they're doing the best they can to remedy it. True; however, it was caused by using cheap parts to save money. That is no accident. You don't save a buck on items whose failure would have such a dreadful consequence. Would Tony Hayward skydive with a KMart parachute? I don't think so.

I leave you to your day on a happy note, with a great mommy quote from Jenny at The Bloggess-  "If you’re wearing clean socks and you don’t have hooks for hands then I’ve succeeded as a mother." :)


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