Saturday Six: College Questions

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I have the NEW musical book in hand! Should this thing ever actually be produced, has its legal issues. Since it's (mostly) just a fun project, I hate the thought of spending any real money figuring out that stuff. It has just occurred to me that my composer is a lawyer. Duh. He'll probably know what, if anything, we need to do. Handy!

Song Lyrics du Jour

...I glued my feet in front of you
'Cause I swore I'd never leave
And then it all falls down
Around me
As I watch you walk away from me
The street lights flicker then
Your shadow fades into the night
And my heart starts caving in...

The Bigger Lights "Always"

And... meme time!

Patrick's Saturday Six

1. If you had to go back to school this fall, what degree would you pursue?
Master's in Healthcare Administration

2. Would you be more likely to choose a degree that would complement your current one, or go in a completely different direction?
Completely different direction. Using my degree requires that I live in one of several specific locations around the country, none of them near here. It's not that I wouldn't enjoy doing nuke as a career, because I would love it, but I'm not willing to move to any of those places at this point, for a job that would be entry level.

3. Did you or would you have lived on campus for college, or stayed at home if that had been an option?
I didn't live on campus, although I had friends who did, so I experienced some dorm life. It would have been really nice to live on campus on nights I was doing campus activities, especially when I didn't have a car and had to ride my bike home late. Other than that, I thought it was fine living off campus. Had I gone to a local university, I might have been open to living at home. It was just me and my mom then, and she was always so great with my friends and stuff.

4. If you had to live on campus, and you found yourself in a dorm with mostly college-age young people who liked to party, how much of an impact would their rowdiness have on your ability to study?
A big impact. I would go to the library or to a friend's place off campus to study.

5. Take the quiz: What College Are You?
You Are the University of Colorado at Boulder.
You're the type of person who likes to study hard and party hard.
You're smart and a free thinker. You enjoy many types of activities.
You are likely to succeed in school. You can study hard when you need to.
However, you also know that school isn't everything. You're all about achieving life balance.

6. Is this a college you could see yourself attending if money were no object?
If I had to, sure. It isn't a school I've ever considered though.


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