Couple Facebooks

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Can I just reiterate this morning how weird it is when couples share an email address or a Facebook? Email is bad enough. If I want to write a note to my girlfriend about how bad my cramps are today or the cutest dress I found at the mall, I don't want her husband reading through it. And if I actually have some sort of advice I'm seeking or other more sobering or private matter, I absolutely have to use a different mode of communication. I actually got comments from a husband several years ago when I emailed.

Okay, his advice was helpful. It's the principle.

I have two otherwise perfectly lovely friends with "couple" Facebooks. Facebook is a one-person endeavor. It's intended to be a representation of you on the web. I've seen the Jim-n-Mary Smith sort of page. You never know who you're talking to or hearing from, but at least the name warns you of that. On both of my coupled-up friends' pages, you think it's the husband's Facebook, but then the wife tosses her comments in here and there, with a label "(from Mary!)"

Mary. It's a free service. Get your own page.

Tune in tomorrow, when I'll rant about people who have their pet (or even more tragically, the logo of the UT football team) as their profile photo.

While I'm planning and executing all sorts of special entertainment options for Jeff's time off, I've neglected taking in the dry cleaning and other mundane activities. Oops!


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