
Monday, June 7, 2010

Welcome back, Blogger. Finally working again!

Do you ever comment on something on Facebook and wish you hadn't, because you get a notification every two minutes for the next six hours that someone else has also commented? Not the fun ones where you're bantering back and forth with other commenters, but the ones where someone got promoted or their child won an award and everyone is just saying "congrats!" or "woohoo!"

I'm just here to say what you all are thinking. You're welcome.

CJ has become Facebook friends with my very first (and very unrequited) supercrush. Well, disregarding Carter in 1st grade. This is my first real one, Bobby, in 6th grade. One of those pathetic, pubescent infatuations you have on someone completely out of your league. Bobby was the cutest guy in the sixth grade, hands down. Movie star handsome and Mr. Popularity. I was taller than everyone then (oh to be tall again), pretty shy around boys (no worries, that was also fleeting), and somewhat geeky (ok, that sorta stuck). He was dating the cheerleader with the prettiest hair in the whole school. (Perfect wings, man. I don't know how she trained those things.) He totally knew I had the hots for him. Still, he was very sweet and took the time to talk to me now and then. He's single-- maybe Cathy can go out with him. Ha! She says he's a hot mess these days, so I'm thinking no.


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